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세계의 특이한 음식 10 본문

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세계의 특이한 음식 10

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2017. 7. 26. 17:34




Balyut is a boiled duck egg with already developed embryo inside.

This delicacy can be tried in the countries of South-East Asia.




In Vietnam, wines are produced from snakes and scorpions, which are used in folk medicine

 and are considered a strong aphrodisiac.




Shiokara is a Japanese seafood dish made with sauce from their own fermented entrails.




A century-old egg is a popular snack in China, which is an egg, kept for several weeks or months

in a mixture of clay, ash and salt.




A roasted guinea pig is a popular dish in some parts of South America, including Peru.





Fried tarantula spiders can be bought in any market in Cambodia.




Blood tofu is a popular delicacy in China, which is made from pork blood.




Caviar of sea urchins is used for food in raw form.

This delicacy is most popular in Japan, and is also used in sashimi and sushi outside.

A kilogram of sea urchin caviar costs about 450 US dollars.




Smalahove is a braised lamb head, a popular Christmas dish in Norway.

 Most often this dish is served with potatoes.




Sandwiches with beef brain are popular in the southern states of the USA, especially in Missouri.