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거대 공포증(Megalophobia) 극복을 위한 사진 44 본문
거대 공포증(Megalophobia) 극복을 위한 사진 44
거대 공포증(Megalophobia)은 큰 물체에 대한 두려움이다. 몇 가지 일반적인 유발항목에는 높은 고층 빌딩, 큰 동상, 광대한 산, 큰 배, 심지어 코끼리나 고래와 같은 동물이 포함된다. 그러나 보다 포괄적이고 생생한 목록을 보려면 subreddit 'Megalophobia'를 방문해 보자.
2014년에 창설된 이 단체는 현재 764,000명의 회원을 보유하고 있으며, 이들은 너무 커서 편안하지 않은 것들의 사진을
지속적으로 공유하고 있다.
이 상태로 고통 받고 있다고 생각한 적이 없더라도 이미지는 볼만한 가치가 있다.
1.The Most Spectacular But Eerie Effect Was Produced By Towering Thunder Clouds That Were Photographed During A Sunset
2.2nd Largest Hole In The World, Eastern Siberia
3.Astronaut Bruce Mccandless II Floats Untethered Away From The Safety Of The Space Shuttle
4.Major Iron Giant Vibes From This Icelandic Pylon Concept
5.Coastal Redwoods Are A Thing To Admire
6.Infinite Lavender Field In Valensole, South Of France
7.Imagine Just Enjoying A Swim Underwater And This Big Boy Coming Up Behind You
8.The Bridge, Near Da Nang, Vietnam
9.Great Artist Is Very Beutiful Maked Him
10.Iceberg Alley, Newfoundland
11.A Cannon Suppressor (Sometimes Called A Silencer) On A M109g
12.Inside A Salt Mine In Soledar, Ukraine
13.Airship Hangar (People For Scale)
14.This Enormous Crocodile Was Pulled From The Water In Zimbabwe Back In 2010 After Cows & Other Vital Livestock Kept Vanishing
15.The Size Of This Monstrous Machine
16.Bagger 293 Mining Excavator Is Horrifying.
17.Giant Hands Emerge From Venice
18.Behold This Giant Bessemer Converter
19.Ben Nevis, Scotland
20.The Rarely Seen Back Of The Hoover Dam Before It Was Filled With Water, 1936
21.Comet 67p-C-G Compared To The City Of Los Ángeles
22.Eyjafjallajökull Erupting In Iceland
24.Marble Quarry In Greece
25.Look Up And Up And Up.
26.Troll-A, Over 1500 Feet Tall, Being Taken Out To Sea Before It’s Legs Are Sunk Down To The Ocean Floor
27.The Sphere In Vegas
28.Crew Members Standing Inside The Cargo Tank Of An Lng (Liquefied Natural Gas) Tanker
29.Massive Chinese Highway System
30.Bagger 288 Excavator
31.The Zubr-Class, The Biggest Hovercraft Compared To A Normal Sized Apc
32.Ponte City Apartments, Johannesburg, South Africa
33.The Titanic's Propellers, 1911
34.Mecca Cityscape, Including The Royal Tower Hotel. The 3rd Tallest Building In The World
35.No Thanks
36.The True Terrifying Scale Of The White Cliffs Of Dover, UK
37.Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Barcelona, Spain
38.Offshore Platform-City For Scale !
39.Offshore Tripods Require Special Transport Unit Configurations
40.Raffles City, Chongqing, China
41.Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Detector In Japan
42.Duga Is A Soviet Over-The-Horizon Radar Station For An Early Detection System For Launches Of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
43.This Just Feels Like A Necessity For This Subreddit. Chesapeake Bay Bridge
44.4600 Ft Glass Walkway In China
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