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바람따라 구름따라
한번쯤 꼭 가봐야 할 유럽의도시 7 본문
Osijek, Croatia
Tourists love the Croatian coast, but the interior regions largely ignored.
Visitors do not have enough. Elegant city of Osijek in the east of the country was badly damaged in 1990 during the Civil War,
but today again close to the time of its heyday during the Austro-Habsburg Empire.
The oldest part of the city, Tvrda, has undergone massive reconstruction since the war of the 1990s, and now there are
a lot of cafes, restaurants and bars.
Maribor, Slovenia
In the neighborhood with Croatia, Slovenia boasts a sparkling city of Ljubljana.
On the east of the country, the city of Maribor may play second fiddle to the capital.
Here you can stroll through the historic streets of the pretty old town, take a river walk along the river Drava,
and also to see one of the oldest synagogues in Europe.
Tartu, Estonia
Student City is considered by many Estonians really is an intellectual and cultural center of Estonia, and offers a great nightlife.
Very picturesque Old Town of Tartu, where many kinds of theaters and many cultural events.
Utrecht, Netherlands
If you like the Netherlands and the channels, then take a tour in Utrecht.
In this charming Dutch city you will find a network of channels along which lined cafe, bars and restaurants.
The fourth largest city in the country - it is almost a replica of the Dutch capital.
Cadiz, Spain
Madrid and Barcelona are the only upstarts compared to Cadiz, one of the oldest cities in Europe.
This Spanish city - the most densely populated, has a treasure trove of stories and dramatic architectural landmarks,
hidden in the maze of streets close.
Perth, Scotland
Edinburgh and Glasgow often attract the lion's share of the tourist flow in Scotland, but what about the new cities like Perth?
Although Perth is only granted city status in 2012, he served as the ancient capital of Scotland, the place where kings
were crowned in the semi-mythical stone of destiny.
Torun, Poland
Conveniently located between Krakow and Gdansk, Torun - it is a real beauty with a riot of architecture made of red bricks,
the dominant distinctive medieval old center.
There are plentiful churches, bars and cheap cruises on the Vistula River.
Torun - the city where the astronomer Nikolay Kopernik was born.
You can get to Toruń and your own car.
The trip will be especially easy and enjoyable if the car will run their own family driver.
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