관리 메뉴

바람따라 구름따라

세계 최고,최장 유리다리-중국 장가계 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

세계 최고,최장 유리다리-중국 장가계

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 12. 31. 16:47

China will build another Alpine bridge with glass floor

In August in the Chinese province of Hunan has opened the longest and highest bridge with glass floor in the world, who immediately

 began to attract the thrill and original selfi from around the world. 

But the architects decided to not stop and have designed a new transparent bridge, which will dissolve in space, merging with 

the surrounding scenery.

The bridge will be built from mirrored stainless steel.

Its floor is partially coated with black stone, which when wet becomes reflective properties. 

Every seven minutes over the bridge will be sprayed water to create a temporary cloud and fog effect in the mountains.

According to idea, it is an impressive architectural structure will reflect surrounding landscapes, which will create an optical illusion

 dissolving in space.

Tourists can not only walk on the transparent bridge, but also stay overnight in one of the three pavilions on the rock, which will open 

a stunning view of the mountains.
The pavilions will be placed on top of each other in three tiers. From the roof top of the Pavilion will open panorama of 360 degrees.

Construction of the bridge, designed by an architectural companies Martin Duplantier Architectes and Daqian Landscape Architects, 

will cost 4 million United States dollars.

The longest and highest bridge with glass floor in the world also located in Zhangjiajie.

430 metres long bridge connects two rocks at a height of 300 meters.

Tourists spend hours vystaivali in the queue to the bridge, where he only just opened to make selfi over the Gorge, 

sitting on his transparent floor.