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바람따라 구름따라
커피를 꼭 마셔야하는 13가지 이유(건강에 유익한 측면에서) 본문
Coffee, despite the recent campaign against the consumption of the drink, is actually a very healthy product.
In its structure contains a lot of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve human health.
Studies show that people who drink coffee, is much less likely to get several major diseases.
Here are the top 13 science-based health benefits of coffee, which were confirmed in the actual research.
1. Coffee can boost energy levels and make people smarter
(에너지와 뇌 활동 수준 증진)
Coffee can help people feel less tired, and also increases energy levels.
The fact that coffee contains stimulant caffeine, which, in fact, is the most frequently used psychoactive substance in the world.
Once in the brain, caffeine blocks adenosine inhibitory neurotransmitter.
When this happens, the amount of other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine, is increased,
which leads to increased neuronal activity.
Tests have also shown that coffee improves various aspects of brain function such as memory, mood, alertness,
energy level, reaction time and general cognitive function.
2. Coffee can help to burn fat
(지방 연소-제거)
Did you know that caffeine is contained in almost all commercial fat burners? To do this, there is a good reason: caffeine is one of the few natural substances that, in fact, help in burning fat.
Some studies have shown that caffeine can increase the metabolic rate by 3-11%, and the rate of burning fat at 10-29%. Some studies also show that caffeine may increase the burning of body fat and increase metabolic rate.
3. Caffeine can significantly improve physical performance
(육체적 성과 증진-혈액속 아드레날린 증가)
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system. But caffeine also increases the level of adrenaline in the blood.
This hormone is designed to ensure that human bodies were ready for intense physical activity.
Caffeine causes the fat cells to decompose, releasing blood free fatty acids, making them available as fuel for the body.
Given these effects, it is not surprising that caffeine can improve physical performance by 11-12%.
Caffeine can increase the level of adrenaline, and the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue.
This also leads to a significant increase in physical performance.
4. In the coffee has the necessary nutrients
(필수 영양소-비타민 B2, B5,망간, 마그네슘등 미네랄 함유)
Coffee is more than just black water. It contains a lot of nutrients. For example in one cup of coffee contains:
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% RDA;
- Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5): 6% RDA;
- Potassium, manganese and 3% of the RDA;
- Magnesium and niacin (B3): 2% of RDA.
5. Coffee may reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
(당뇨<제2유형>위험 감소)
Type 2 diabetes is currently a huge public health problem. He it is currently suffering about 300 million people worldwide.
It is characterized by high blood sugar under insulin resistance or inability of insulin production.
Studies show that people who drink coffee on a 23-50% lower risk of getting this disease.
6. Coffee may protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia
(알츠하이머<치매>로부터 보호)
Alzheimer's disease - the most common neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia worldwide.
This disease usually affects people over the age of 65 years.
Unfortunately, so far there is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease.
However, there are a few things that can be done to prevent the progression of the disease.
To prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease can be extremely effective as a healthy diet and exercise, and drinking coffee.
Some studies show that people who regularly consume coffee, up to 65% less likely to get Alzheimer's disease.
7. Caffeine can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease.
(파킨슨 위험을 줄여줌)
Parkinson's disease is the second most common of neurodegenerative diseases, after Alzheimer's disease.
This is due to a decrease in dopamine generating neurons in the brain.
Studies have shown that people who drink coffee and 60% less likely to get Parkinson's disease.
8. The coffee has a protective effect on the liver
(간보호 효과)
The liver is an amazing organ that has hundreds of important functions in the body. Several common diseases,
primarily affect liver function, including hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and others.
Many of these diseases can lead to a condition called cirrhosis. Studies have shown that coffee may protect against cirrhosis of
the liver. People who drink four or more cups a day, 80% are less likely to earn the disease.
9. Coffee can fight depression and make you happier
(행복감을 높혀주고 우울증을 극복)
Depression is a serious mental disorder that significantly reduces the quality of and satisfaction with life.
In modern countries, especially large urban cities, it is a very common phenomenon.
Studies made at the Harvard University in 2011 showed that women who drank 4 or more cups of coffee a day had a 20% less
likely to become depressed.
Another study, conducted with 208 424 people showed that those who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day were 53% less
likely to commit suicide.
10. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer.
(일정한 종류의 암 위험 감소)
Cancer is a leading cause of death and is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in the body.
Coffee also has barrier properties against the two types of liver cancer and colorectal cancer.
Liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the world, while colorectal cancer ranks fourth.
Studies show that those who drink coffee are 40% less than the possibility of liver cancer, and those who consume 4-5 cups of
coffee a day were 15% less likely to develop colorectal cancer.
11. The coffee does not cause heart disease and may reduce the risk of stroke
(심장병, 심장마비 위험 저하)
It is often claimed that caffeine can lead to increased blood pressure.
This is true, but the effect of this small (3-4 mm / Hg. Art.) And usually disappears when you drink coffee regularly.
Also, studies have failed to confirm the myth that coffee increases the risk of heart disease.
In fact, there is some evidence that women who drink coffee are less likely to develop heart disease.
Some studies also show that drink coffee are 20% lower risk of stroke.
12. Coffee is a major source of antioxidants
(서양식단 중 최고의 항산화 원천)
For people who eat the standard western food, coffee can be really healthy diet aspect.
Because coffee contains a large amount of antioxidants.
13. Coffee can help you live longer
(생명 연장에 도움)
Considering all of these facts the conclusion is obvious that anyone who regularly consume coffee,
is less likely to get a lot of diseases, that is, coffee can help to live longer.
The studies found that regular consumption of coffee reduces the risk of death in men by 20% and women 26%.
Also among people with diabetes who drank coffee, the mortality rate was 30% less.
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