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없는게 없는 중국의 전통 약령시장 본문


없는게 없는 중국의 전통 약령시장

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 6. 22. 12:52

You know , where you can buy dried snake ? Or where to get a turtle shell ? A penis armadillo ? In most countries, such products simply do not find .

 In China, it's the usual stuff I went to the world's largest traditional medicine market in the Chinese city of Bozhou , and even some - I bought .

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1 " summer grass , winter bugs " - a popular saying local vendors . It is best reflects , what is happening in the market .

2 Traditional medicine in China thing terribly popular . Almost all hospitals have a " national " branch , which is almost more popular than the usual ,

 modern .

3 Do not - the Chinese is difficult to understand , what it is . But in the course are any plants and animals . The dried , of course , form .

4 This shell can simply grind to dust .

5 Then mix the powder with chanterelle .

6 And all of this will help for infertility, and hemorrhoids . Well vedmachestvo clean water !

7 Deer too, not just here so .

8 Their horns are cut into slices , obtained an excellent remedy for what - there .

9 Zmeninaya skin cures diarrhea .

10 A dead scorpion in the past year - from obesity .

11 should not laugh , about the way it happens . The main thing , to talk about this with a straight face .

12 Turtles sorry .

13 But not so lemons .

14 What is it , I do not even understand .

15 Red coal ?

16 In the end - all , I broke my head not only from thinking about the purpose of these products , but also trying to understand , that it is at all .

17 Bugs , by the way , at a different price . Large three hundred , smaller cheaper .

18 I do not want to think , that they eat lizards to beer , instead of roach .

19 Probably , they, too, from what - any help .

20 Beauty !

21 All of this is packaged here , right next door . In general, without the pale .

22 So , I showed you just - is nonsense . In comparison with the huge indoor " city of Chinese Medicine " , which was built a little further , in the new quarter .

23 It is more like a football stadium , rather than the market . And people bought at - large .

24 This is the largest market in Asia with drugs .

25 But the product about the same . It is possible to list on his fingers : these snakes , those turtles , from third bugs .

26, the root of all . There are still members of dried animals , their in a separate post, I showed .

27 Again confused .

28 Just watch the pictures . Or try to guess yourself .

29 Pieces of whitewash - also part of traditional medicine ?

30 Mmm , bugs !

31 Mmmm , Snake !

32 Mmmmm , seahorses !

33 And this is still what ?

34 Uh , skalapendry !

35 And for dessert - the reindeer hooves .

36 A good market , is not it ?