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[스크랩] 2015년도 세상에서 가장 비싼 브랜드 가치 Top10 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

[스크랩] 2015년도 세상에서 가장 비싼 브랜드 가치 Top10

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2015. 6. 6. 17:13

세상에는 수많은 브랜드들이 넘쳐나고 있다.

하지만 브랜드의 가치는 천차만별이다.

미국 포브스가 발표한 2015년도 세상에서 가장 비싼 브랜드 가치 톱10을 알아본다.

우리나라의 삼성 브랜드 가치는 379억달러로 7위에 랭크되어 있다.

10. Facebook: 36.5 billion(365억달러)

Trends in recent years are such that young people are rapidly losing interest in blogging and your own pages in social networks, such as Facebook, for example. However, judging by the state of the company in 2015, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on its revenues. Today, Facebook continues to be one of the leading social media brands. Among other things, this giant also bought Instagram, so the rumors about the imminent ruin of the company are greatly exaggerated.

9. General Electric: 37.5 billion(375억달러)

The likelihood that your home can find products General Electric, is quite high. In April this year, the company announced the launch of a radical plan aimed to sell a significant amount of shares in GE Capital, the value of which, according to some sources, it was $ 500 billion. As for the real sector, the numerous rumors, the main investors in the company are Blackstone and Wells Fargo, which possess real estate worth nearly $ 26 billion.

8. Toyota: 37.8 billion(378억달러)

Toyota - it is not just one of the big names in the automotive industry. Quite often, a company called an innovator in this matter. Beginning in 2015 there was a particularly good one for Toyota, especially the impact on the company's massive recall of 6 million vehicles worldwide due to problems with airbags.

7. Samsung: 37.9 billion(379억달러)

The war for the hearts and minds of mobile users is conducted every day, every hour and every minute, and Samsung is doing in this case is not a small success. Recently, even a giant industry of mobile devices as Apple, recognizes the innovative achievements of the company over the past few years.

6. McDonald's: 39.5 billion(395억달러)

The number of supporters of healthy eating continues to grow from year to year, but apparently it does not have much impact on the profits of the giant fast-food industry. Over the past few years, McDonald's only consolidated its position in this niche.

5. IBM: 49.8 billion(498억달러)

General Director of IBM, Ginny Rometta (Ginni Rometty) in May 2015 surprised many by stating the following: "In the future, every decision that will take mankind to be approved by the cognitive system." So, there is quite a good chance that it will be the main IBM innovators in this field, because they are already ready developments fresh artificial intelligence system called IBM Watson.

4. Coca-Cola: $ 56 billion(560억달러)

Coca-Cola - not the usual brand. The company managed to find new ways of selling products, while maintaining a classic drink in its original form. This is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, so it is not surprising that the United States has called this word virtually any soda.

3. Google: 65.6 billion(656억달러)

Brand Google today has become a real household name, which appeared new verbs ("Google"). The company has their experience and projects in almost any field, one way or another related to information technology.Google's success led to the fact that it has become part of daily life for the vast multitude of people.

2.Microsoft: 69.3 billion(693억달러)

Microsoft and modern technology - to date one without the other can not exist. In addition to the Internet technologies, in recent years, the company made ​​a real breakthrough in the field of mobile devices, creating competitive products that can compete with well-known brands such as Apple.

1. Apple: 145.3 billion dollars(1453억달러)

Probably one of the greatest achievements in the history of the company is that consumers feel that they need to become owners of certain products. Add to this the creation of the microenvironment, where all Apple products interact with each other and get the recipe of this success.

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