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목록아프리카,인도양,대서양 (301)
바람따라 구름따라
신비의 섬 Socotra Socotra는 아라비아 반도에서 남쪽으로 약 350km 떨어진 소말리아 해안에서 인도양에 있는 4개의 섬과 2개의 절벽으로 구성된 군도이다. 섬의 고립으로 인해 많은 지역 동식물종은 더 이상 세계의 다른 어느 곳에서도 발견되지 않는다. 길이 134km, 폭 43km의 섬의 적당한 크기는..
아프리카 풍경(항공사진) The fishing village at Nouakchott, Mauritania. The shadow of the plane on Lake Natron in Tanzania. Moving megadunes in the Namib National Park in Namibia. Terraced fields in Rwanda. View of the slums of Nouakchott, Mauritania. The slums of Cape Flats near Cape Town, South Africa. The remote village of Arowan between Timbuktu and Taodenni in th..
"Switzerland of Morocco." - Ifrane If the word Morocco conjures up images with narrow, like a maze, streets wandering among the old earthen buildings, then you are not alone. Ifrane, however, is different from any other city in Morocco. Located at an altitude of 5460 meters above sea level, in the Middle Atlas region, this small mountain town is more like the Swiss Alps than a..
Ethiopia Ethiopia is beautiful. What is, for example, the Dallol volcano, known for its extraterrestrial landscapes that resemble the surface of Io, the satellite of the planet Jupiter. Its composition is lava from sulfur and andesite. In 1926, with a strong explosion, a large lake was formed, located at an altitude of 48 meters below sea level. Alibela is a city in the north ..