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현실처럼 보이지 않는 세계의 '도시 지옥' 50 본문


현실처럼 보이지 않는 세계의 '도시 지옥' 50

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2025. 3. 24. 21:02

현실처럼 보이지 않는 세계의 '도시 지옥' 50

1.Diamond Mine In Mirny 

2.Hong Kong 

3.러시아군에 의해 점령된 Bakhmut의 아파트 블록이 파괴되었다. 

4.키르기스스탄의 수도인 Bishkek는 세계에서 공기질이 가장 나쁜 도시다. 

5.A Man Takes Bath As The Water Leaks From A Pipeline On A Smoggy Morning In New Delhi, India 

6.The State Of Syria Due To The War 

7.Chinese Apartment Buildings 

8.Another Newly Built Chinese Village 

9.Homelessness Problem In The Big Canadian Cities 

10.Pyongyang, North Korea Before Dawnn 

11.A Shanty Town In Paris 

12. Abandon Apartment Buildings In Tehran Iran 

13.Soviet Scientific Institutions 

14.Sphinx Looking At Egypt Ubranhell, This Is What He Sees All Day. Giza, Egypt 

15. A Building In Singapore 


17.owloon Walled City 

18.Nairobi, Kenya 

19.Smog In Gurugram, India 

20.Greymouth, UK 

21.Hong Kong 

22.Kampala, Uganda 

23.1970s Houston Downtown With Mostly Parking Spaces 

24.Tokyo. Endless City 

25. Business District In Egypt's New Administrative Capitol From Plane View 

26.Beach Day In Mumbai. 

27.Playground In Łódź, Poland 

28.Some Views I Took Of Cairo Driving Around 

29.A Shocking Amount Of Filth Behind An Apartment Block In Marseille, France ( Parc Kalliste) 

30.Hong Kong 

31.San Diego River Homeless Encampment 

32.This Building In Milan 


34.Pyongyang, Capital Of North Korea 

35.Los Angeles Is A Wasted Opportunity 

36.When Big Brother Is Watching 

37.Islamabad, Pakistan 

38. Bucharest In 1994, After The 45 Years Long Golden Age Of Central Planning 

39.The Unfinished Oceanwide Plaza Development In Downtown Los Angeles 

40.Belgrade, Serbia 

41.The New Presidential Palace In Egypt's Administrative Capital [ 10 Times The Size Of The White House ] 

42.Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 

43.The (Lack Of) Urban Planning 

44. Dubai Frame 

45.Urban Hell Or Cool Brutalist Architecture 

46.Saint-Petersburg, Russia 

47.Hong Kong 

48.Residential Complex In Krasnodar, Russia 

49. Seattle-Tacoma Airport Parking 

50.Saudi Arabia Begins Construction On ‘The Line’ Skyscraper City In The Desert