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세계에서 가장 비싼 그림 50 본문


세계에서 가장 비싼 그림 50

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2023. 6. 23. 13:36

세계에서 가장 비싼 그림 50


세계에서 가장 비싼 그림이 Da Vinci의 걸작인 Mona Lisa라고 가정하고 싶은 유혹이 있다. 아티스트를 추측하는 것이 옳을지라도 사실이 아니다. 현재 그림에 대해 지불된 최고 가격은 4억 5,030만달러이며, 그의 또 다른 작품인 Salvator Mundi에 지불되었다.

모나리자의 이론적 가치는 훨씬 더 높을 수 있지만(일부는 10억 달러 이상이라고 한다!), 판매용이 아니다.따라서 이탈리아 La Gioconda는 팔과 다리에 비용이 들 것으로 예상되는 다른 가장 유명한 그림과 마찬가지로 세계에서 가장 비싼 그림

목록에 포함될 수 없다. 

언젠가는 그럴 수도 있지만 현재로서는 경매나 개인 판매에서 구입한 가장 비싼 예술 작품만 볼 수 있다. 그러나 지금까지 판매된 가장 비싼 그림 목록에 들어가기 전에 몇 가지 사항을 참고해야 한다.

이 목록은 완전하지 않다. 개인 거래가 항상 언론에 보도되는 것은 아니기 때문이다. 그렇더라도 일부 민감한 세부 정보(가격, 구매자 또는 판매자)는 공개되지 않을 수 있다.우리가 목록에 사용한 가장 비싼 그림은 모두 공개 도메인에 있다.

따라서 엄격한 저작권법이 적용되는 가장 비싼 예술 작품은 목록에서 제외되어야 했다.



Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $53.9 million

The brilliant Irises by Vincent van Gogh, which he painted in 1889 during his first week in the asylum at St. Remy, was sold at Sotheby's New York in 1987 for $53.9 million.



2.Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer II

Artist: Gustav Klimt | Year (completed): 1912 | Price: $150 million

Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer II was sold by Christie's auction house in November 2006 for about $88 million to Oprah Winfrey. However,

in the summer of 2016, Oprah Winfrey sold it for $150 million to an unidentified Chinese buyer.



3.Wasserschlangen II (Water Serpents II)

Artist: Gustav Klimt | Year (completed): 1907 | Price (original): $170 million

The highly embellished painting was stolen during World War II but resurfaced in the public light when Sotheby's auctioned it off in 2015. Following a few ownership changes, in 2017, the artwork was sold for $170 million to an anonymous buyer, rumored to be either an Asian buyer or a Qatari princess.



4.Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer I

Artist: Gustav Klimt | Year (completed): 1907 | Price (original): $135 million 

The painting was unlawfully taken from its Jewish owners by Nazis in 1941 and, for a while, belonged to the Galerie Belvedere in Vienna, Austria. This was until one of the inheritors of the artwork made a claim against the gallery for the return of stolen work.In 2006, after a seven-year legal battle, the legatee won the lawsuit, and the painting was returned to its rightful owners. However, that same year it was sold for $135 million to the businessman and art collector Ronald Lauder.




Artist: Claude Monet | Year (completed): 1890 | Price (original): $110.7 million 

The master of impressionism loved serial works. The most well-known of his series is the one with haystacks, or meules in French.

One of the paintings from the series was sold at Sotheby’s New York for $110.7 million in 2019 and is now held in private hands.



6.Portrait Of Joseph Roulin

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $58 million 

The postal worker depicted above, Joseph Roulin, and his family were the subjects of more than 20 portraits by the artist. This particular portrait of Van Gogh's close friend was acquired for $58 million from a private collection in Zurich by the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1989.



7.Portrait De L’artiste Sans Barbe (Self-Portrait Without Beard)

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $71.5 million  

Van Gogh painted several self portraits, but this was his final one. The painting was sold to a private collector in New York in 1998 for $71 million. Due to inflation, its current value is believed to be over $103 million.



8.Salvator Mundi

Artist: Leonardo da Vinci | Year (completed): 1500 | Price (original): $450.3 million

 Salvator Mundi, which translates to "Savior of the World," is the most expensive painting in history and arguably the most controversial since many scholars question whether Leonardo da Vinci really created the entire piece. In 2017, a bidder allegedly acting on behalf of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman purchased the painting from Christie's for $450.3 million.



9.Bal Du Moulin De La Galette

Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Year (completed): 1876 | Price (original): $78.1 million

For many years, John Hay Whitney owned the smaller version of the painting with the same title. However, it was sold to Ryoei Saito, the Japanese paper magnate, for $78 million in 1990. At the time it was auctioned, it was among the top two most expensive pieces of art ever sold, along with Van Gogh's Portrait of Dr. Gachet, which was also purchased by Saito.



10. A Wheatfield With Cypresses

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $57 million

The largest piece from the series of three was owned by several individuals throughout the years. Dieter Bührle was the last known buyer; he paid $57 million for the artwork in 1993 and subsequently donated it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.



11. Le Bassin Aux Nymphéas (Water-Lily Pond)

Artist: Claude Monet | Year (completed): 1919 | Price (original): $70.3 million

Le Bassin Aux Nymphéas is yet another painting from Monet’s famous Water Lilies series. In 2021 at Sothesby’s New York, Le Bassin Aux Nymphéas sold for $70.3 million, well over its estimated $40 million. That’s more than four times the $16.8 million price it made at Sotheby’s in 2004.



12.The Card Players

Artist: Paul Cézanne | Year (completed): 1893 | Price: $250 million

 In 2011, the royal family of Qatar paid $250 million for this particular artwork, one of five paintings from Cézanne's series depicting labor workers playing cards. The other four are currently on display at different museums across the globe.



13.Portrait Of Dr. Gachet

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1890 | Price: $82.5 million

There are two authenticated versions of the portrait, both created in June 1890 at Auvers, the home of Dr. Paul Gachet, the subject of the painting and the man who cared for Van Gogh in his final months. The first version was sold at auction in New York in 1890 to the Japanese paper magnate Ryoei Saito and fetched a record-breaking $82.5 million.



14.Les Poseuses, Ensemble (Petite Version) (The Three Models)

Artist: Georges Seurat | Year (completed): 1888 | Price: $149.2 million

 The third of Seurat's six major works was created in response to critics who thought Seurat's style was subpar because it was cold and lifeless. The artist's response to them was this painting, depicting three different nude poses of the same woman. In 2022, the artwork, which belonged to the late billionaire Paul Allen, was sold at an auction for $149.2 million.



15.Birch Forest

Artist: Gustav Klimt | Year (completed): 1903 | Price (original): $104.5 million

 Rather than focusing on the enigmatic, dark nature of the woods, for this piece, Klimt chose an ostensible autumnal setting, when the colors of the leaves naturally gravitate towards the golden tones he enjoyed. Birch Forest was yet another painting from Paul Allen's collection, 

sold at Christie's auction. The unnamed buyer paid a total of $104.5 million for it.



16.Vase With Fifteen Sunflowers

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $39.7 million

 In 1987, Japanese insurance magnate Yasuo Goto bought Van Gogh's Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers at Christie's London for $39.7 million. At the time, it was a record-setting amount paid for a work of art.




Artist: Édouard Manet | Year (completed): 1881 | Price (original): $65.1 million  

Monet’s close, long time friend Antonin Proust was the one who suggested the idea for the painting. Because he was also the one who commissioned it, he became the first owner of Le Printemps. In 2014, the last (known) time the artwork was placed for sale, the J. Paul Getty Museum spent over $65 million to acquire it.



18.Pendant Portraits Of Maerten Soolmans And Oopjen Coppit

Artist: Rembrandt | Year (completed): 1634 | Price: $180 million

Formerly owned by the Rothschild family, the two wedding portraits were sold to the Louvre and the Rijksmuseum in 2016 after both museums contributed half the purchase price of €160 million. The pair have remained together since their creation in the 17th century because the two European museums take turns exhibiting the portraits.




Artist: Paul Gauguin | Year (completed): 1893 | Price: $120 million

The artwork, which features a Tahitian woman, was involved in a lawsuit between Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier, and the auction house Sotheby's. Rybolovlev accused Bouvier and Sotheby's of inflating the price of the painting. Otahi, which Rybolovlev allegedly paid $120 million for, was only resold for $50 million.



20.Nafea Faa Ipoipo? (When Will You Marry?)

Artist: Paul Gauguin | Year (completed): 1892 | Price (original): $210 million

Paul Gaugin painted Nafea Faa Ipoipo?, which translates to "When Will You Marry?," after his first visit to Tahiti in 1891. According to the initial reports, Swiss businessman Rudolf Staechelin sold the Gaugin work to a Qatari client for $300 million. However, a 2017 lawsuit later revealed that the painting actually fetched $210 million.



21.The Standard Bearer

Artist: Rembrandt | Year (completed): 1636 | Price (original): $198 million

The Standard Bearer, regarded as one of Rembrandt's most brilliant works, was formerly owned by England's King George IV until it was purchased by the Rothschild family in 1844. In 2022, the artwork was sold to the Netherlands for €175 million (around $198 million) and has since been featured in museum exhibitions nationwide.



22. Garçon À La Pipe (Boy With A Pipe)

Artist: Pablo Picasso | Year (completed): 1905 | Price (original): $104.2 million

The painting, which depicts a local kid who passed at a young age, was sold at Sotheby's New York in 2004 for a staggering $104,168,000. Sotheby's did not disclose the buyer, although the sources believe it was an Italian businessman, Guido Barilla.



23.La Montagne Sainte-Victoire

Artist: Paul Cezanne | Year (completed): 1890 | Price (original): $137.7 million

Montagne Sainte-Victoire, a mountain in southern France overlooking Aix-en-Provence, became the subject of several of Cézanne's paintings. This particular one by Paul Cézanne, part of Paul G. Allen's collection, sold for $137.79 million at Christie’s New York in 2022. 



24.La Montagne Sainte-Victoire Vue Du Bosquet Du Château Noir

Artist: Paul Cézanne | Year (completed): 1904 | Price (original): $100 million

The subject of the artwork is the already familiar Montagne Sainte-Victoire. One of the most famous landscape paintings was sold to the State of Qatar for $100 million in a private sale in 2014 by the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House.



25. Verger Avec Cyprès (Orchard With Cypresses)

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1888 | Price (original): $117.1 million

The piece, which was part of the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's collection, was sold at auction on 10 November 2022 at Christie's New York for $117.2 million. The buyer of the artwork remains unknown.



26.Maternitè II (Maternity II)

Artist: Paul Gauguin | Year (completed): 1899 | Price (original): $105.7 million

Maternitè II was another painting from Paul Allen's collection, sold at auction on 10 November 2022 for a staggering $105.7 million. The buyer of the painting remains anonymous.



27.Portrait Of A Young Man Holding A Roundel

Artist: Sandro Botticelli | Year (completed): 1480 | Price (original): $92.2 million

The portrait, thought to have been completed in 1480, is believed to represent the standards of beauty of Renaissance Florentine high society. The painting was purchased by an unnamed Russian-speaking buyer in 2021 at Sotheby's New York for $92.2 million.



28.Nymphéas En Fleur

Artist: Claude Monet | Year (completed): 1917 | Price (original): $84.7 million

A painting from Monet's Water Lilies series, which was at the time part of David Rockefeller and his wife's private collection, was sold to a private collector for $81.7 million at Christie's New York in 2018.



29. Les Noces De Pierrette (The Marriage Of Pierrette)

Artist: Pablo Picasso | Year (completed): 1905 | Price (original): $51.67 million

While chronologically belonging to Picasso's Rose Period, it’s artistically characteristic of the Blue Period, when the artist faced poverty and depression after his friend took their own life. The last known buyer of the artwork was a Japanese businessman Tomonori Tsurumaki who paid the $51.67 million price for it when he purchased it from Fredrik Roos.



30.Te Fare

Artist: Paul Gauguin | Year (completed): 1892 | Price (original): $85 million

The artwork was bought by Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev in a private sale in 2008. It cost the billionaire €54 million ($85 million). 

Later, in 2017, he sold it for $25 million at auction, incurring a loss of more than $60 million.



31.Portrait Of Alfonso d’Avalos With A Page

Artist: Titian | Year (completed): 1533 | Price (original): $70 million

French insurance company AXA was the previous owner of Titian's painting before the Getty Museum, its current owner, acquired it for $70 million. Apparently, the Louvre badly wanted the painting and had the option to purchase it from AXA for a reasonable price. However, for reasons unknown, the Louvre decided not to take up the offer.



32. Chop Suey

Artist: Edward Hopper | Year (completed): 1929 | Price (original): $91.9 million

The artwork belonged to Barney A. Ebsworth, who had promised to donate it to the Seattle Art Museum. However, upon his demise, the possession was transferred to his estate. The artwork set a new record for the artist when it sold for $92 million in November 2018 at Christie's New York.



33.Rideau, Cruchon Et Compotier (Curtain, Jug And Fruit Bowl)

Artist: Paul Cézanne | Year (completed): 1894 | Price (original): $60.5 million

In 1999, this still life composition, in which Cézanne explores the relationship between form, balance, and symmetry in objects, fetched $60.5 million at Sotheby's New York. The artwork is the most expensive still life painting ever sold.



34.Le Bassin Aux Nymphéas

Artist: Claude Monet | Year (completed): 1919 | Price (original): $80.5 million

A famous depiction of Monet's late-period water lilies, Le Bassin aux nymphéas, is richly colored in deep blues and greens and is very abstract. In 2008, Christie's London sold it for £40.9 million to an unidentified seller.



35.Laboureur Dans Un Champ (Field With Plowing Farmers)

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $81.3 million

Painted during his stay at a mental asylum, Laboreur dans un champ may be viewed as a window into Van Gogh's inner world. The landscape painting, depicting an artist determined to heal himself through art, was sold for $81.3 million in 2017 to an unidentified buyer at Christie's New York.


36. Nude Sitting On A Divan

Artist: Amedeo Modigliani | Year (completed): 1917 | Price (original): $68.9 million

The piece was part of a series of nude paintings by Modigliani completed in 1917 that caused quite a stir when they were exhibited in Paris that year. An unidentified bidder purchased the artwork in 2010 for $68.9 million at Sotheby's New York.



37.Ten Views Of Lingbi Rock

Artist: Wu Bin | Year (completed): 1610 | Price (original): $77 million

Wu Bin's Ten Views of Lingbi Rock shows ten different angles of a single stone and is the most remarkable painting of rock ever created in China. In December 1989, this handscroll was the first Chinese painting to sell for one million dollars. Over three decades later, in 2020, the artwork was sold at Poly Auctions in Beijing for about $76.6 million and sent back to China.



38.Peasant Woman Against A Background Of Wheat

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1890 | Price (original): $47.5 million

Since its creation in 1980, the picture has passed through the hands of several owners. In 1997, Steve Wynn paid $47.5 million for the painting when he purchased it in a private sale in New York. However, in 2005, news broke that billionaire hedge fund investor Steven A. Cohen had bought the artwork from Steve Wynn together with Gauguin's The Bathers for a collected $120 million. However, none of this information has been confirmed.



39.Eagle Standing On Pine Tree

Artist: Qi Baishi | Year (completed): 1946 | Price (original): $65.5 million

The painting, intended as a 60th birthday gift to China's former leader, Chiang Kai shek, was sold for 425.5 million yuan ($65.5 million) in the auction house China Guardian in 2011. The new owner became not a person but a group—a China-based advertising company, Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co.



40.Les Alyscamps

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1888 | Price (original): $66.3 million

The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh created a pair of paintings, or "pendants," titled Les Alyscamps, depicting autumnal scenes in Arles, France. One painting was auctioned off in 2003 for over $11 million, while the other painting from the pair (pictured above) sold for $66.3 million to an unnamed buyer in 2015.



41.Cabanes De Bois Parmi Les Oliviers Et Cyprès

Artist: Vincent van Gogh | Year (completed): 1889 | Price (original): $71.4 million

 Before its current owner, the famous Van Gogh painting belonged to late Dallas oil tycoon Edwin L. Cox. When his Impressionist art troves were put up for auction in 2021, Cabanes De Bois Parmi Les Oliviers Et Cyprès was sold for an astonishing $71.4 million.



42.Zhichuan Resettlement

Artist: Wang Meng | Year (completed): 1350 | Price (original): $62.1 million

A wash painting of mountains and waters by a Yuan Dynasty painter depicts a famous Taoist medical scientist, Ge Hong, moving his home to the Luofu Mountain to practice alchemy. In 2011, the painting was sold to an anonymous buyer for $62.1 million.



43.Nu Couché (Sur Le Côté Gauche)

Artist: Amedeo Modigliani | Year (completed): 1917 | Price (original): $157.2 million

One of Modigliani’s unclad masterpieces, Nu Couché, depicts a naked woman reclining on a couch. In 2018, the painting, one of Modigliani’s largest and most provocative works, was sold to a private collector at an auction at Sotheby’s New York for an astonishing $157.2 million.


44.Yo, Picasso

Artist: Pablo Picasso | Year (completed): 1901 | Price (original): $47.8 million

The painting depicting the artist as he appeared in his youth switched hands multiple times since 1970 when Fletcher Jones purchased the artwork at Christie's London for £147,000. In 1975 the painting was sold to "an anonymous French buyer." In 1981, Wendell Cherry purchased it for $5.3 million. At last, in 1989, Cherry sold it to Greek billionaire Stavros Niarchos for $47.85 million.



45.Massacre Of The Innocents

Artist: Peter Paul Rubens | Year (completed): 1611 | Price (original): $76.7 million

Canadian billionaire Kenneth Thompson acquired Massacre Of The Innocents from an Austrian family for £49.5 million ($76.7 million) at Sotheby's London in 2002. However, Thompson then donated the artwork to the Art Gallery of Ontario.



46.Darmstadt Madonna

Artist: Hans Holbein | Year (completed): 1526 | Price (original): ~$75 million

After hanging in the museums on long-term loan, the Darmstadt Madonna was sold to a German billionaire and art collector, Reinhold Würth, via a Frankfurt dealer in 2011 for around $75 million. Apparently, if the artwork had not been legally required to remain in Germany, the painting could have fetched over €100 million on the international market.



47.Diana And Actaeon

Artist: Titian | Year (completed): 1559 | Price (original): $70.6 million

The "poesies," a collection of seven well-known paintings that portray mythical scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses, include Diana and Actaeon. In 2009, the 7th Duke of Sutherland, who acquired the artwork by descent, sold it for £50 million to the National Galleries of Scotland and the National Gallery in London.



48. Portrait Of A Halberdier

Artist: Pontormo | Year (completed): 1537 | Price (original): $35.5 million

Before passing through several private hands, the piece was recorded in the collection of the Riccardi family in Florence. Now in the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, in 1989, Portrait Of A Halberdier was auctioned to its present owner for $32.5 million, making it the most expensive old master artwork sold up to that date.



49.The Gross Clinic

Artist: Thomas Eakins | Year (completed): 1875 | Price (original): $68 million

The Gross Clinic, praised for its staunch realism, plays a significant role in documenting the history of medicine. In 2006, Thomas Jefferson University Board wanted to sell the artwork to the gallery in Washington, but initiatives to keep the painting in Philadelphia got underway. For the artwork to remain home, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the Philadelphia Museum of Art were compelled to sell some of their paintings to cover the $68 million purchase price.



50.Suprematist Composition

Artist: Kazimir Malevich | Year (completed): 1916 | Price (original): $85.8 million

Following a legal dispute over ownership that lasted 17 years, in 2008, the artwork was returned to the artist's heirs. A few months later, the latter sold it to the Nahmad family for $60 million. At last, in 2018, it was sold to its current owner, art dealer Brett Gorvy, for $85.8 million.