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아름다운 여행지 사진 본문


아름다운 여행지 사진

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2020. 2. 3. 15:51


south of Chile

Tsugaru Railway in Aomori, Japan

Climbing in Triana, Switzerland

 Palaus, Washington

 Sivec, Slovakia

Taktsang Lakhang Monastery or Tigress Nest in Bhutan.

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

Rice terraces in Yunnan, China.

Uyuni solonchak in Bolivia.

 lake Biei on the island of Hokkaido

humpback whale

A winding road in the gorge of Dades. Bumal, Sousse Massa Draa, Morocco.

Thousands of king penguins on the background of mountain peaks on the island of South Georgia

Salt mining in San Francisco Bay