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바람따라 구름따라

환상적인 여행지풍경 본문


환상적인 여행지풍경

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2018. 4. 14. 21:33

the marvelous Baha’i Gardens of Haifa

Beit She’an National Park

the ancient Coliseum in Caesarea National Park

The Church of the 12 Apostles, Sea of Galilee

 central Israel

Dead Sea

Ein Kerem neighborhood in Jerusalem

southern Israel

Northern Israel

Israel’s lush Galilee region

Golan Heights

 Old City of Jaffa


Israel’s Hula Lake Park

these are ruins of a crusader castle in Israel’s Galilee region

Northern Negev Desert

 Israel’s Negev Desert

the grottoes of Rosh Hanikra

St. George Monastery in the Judea Desert

coastline of the Mediterranean

Tel Aviv
