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바람따라 구름따라

미국에서 가장 비싼 집 본문


미국에서 가장 비싼 집

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2017. 2. 4. 17:35



Recently in Los Angeles was put up for sale the most expensive House in the United States, the cost of which is estimated

 at 250 million dollars.

Area luxury four-storey mansion called Bel Air is 3.5 thousand square meters.

The House has 12 bedrooms, bathroom 21, three kitchens, indoor pool with bar (plus several outdoor pools),

home theater for 40 spectators, and more ...

In addition to the mansion, the buyer also receives Park exotic car, a helicopter on the roof and even sailing yacht.


1. view from the terrace.



2. Wine "cellar".



3. SPA.



4. The exterior of the House at night looks impressive.



5. ... However, as in the daytime.



6. Office Interior.



7. Cinema.



8. Main dining room and a collection of champagne.



9. Garage with rare car manufacturers.



10. A Bowling Hall.



11. living room.



12. Gallery.



13. Playing Hall and wall of sweets.