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가기 힘든 유명 여행지 본문


가기 힘든 유명 여행지

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 7. 10. 16:48

In the world there are many places that are rarely included in the "must A very good reason.

Yes, to some of them get really very difficult and long, but spent force compensated tenfold volume.

Japan and the Andaman Sea, Kandalakshksky Bay, Antarctica


One of the most mysterious places, not yet trodden by tourists up and down (and it is unlikely in the near future will be).

In this Antarctica In fact, it does not belong to any state: proclaimed "natural storerooms, devoted to peace and science" since 1959.

And it's the only place on Earth where there is no official time. Scientists living in the stations, track the minutes and hours on the belts of their cities.

The distinctive features of Antarctica are not only maximum cold and dry, but also the strong wind naimoschneyshaya solar radiation.

 And by the way, due to the fact that the air temperature seldom rises above minus 20 degrees, the polar explorers in conversations about

the weather never use a "minus" or "plus": simply

Naturally, under such extreme conditions, tourism in Antarctica is only possible a few months a year (usually from November to March).

On the whole, boast that they were at the South Pole, are very, very few: Antarctica annually visited by about a hundred people.

It is not surprising and the cost of the tour. On average, you will need several hundred thousand rubles (400 And you can find a trip for eight days,

 and for almost a month. But is it not worth skiing on untouched land, the penguin colony, whales and a sense of pioneering spent force?

Sea of ​​Japan, Ore Bay

Bay on the west coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, frankly, not very popular among tourists because of the remoteness and relative inaccessibility.

 And it is very unfair. Located it in the Dalnegorsk district of the Primorsky Territory, and to its western shore adjacent to the village and the port of

Ore Dock. One of the main local wealth It is a monument of nature, where every tree there has its own number.

Among the locals the most popular lower western shore of the bay with sandy beaches, adapted for normal rest.

Another of the famous places of the bay Their age Around the rocks divers pass routes, as can be seen in the vicinity of different crabs, clams,

 jellyfish, fish, sea lions and even whales.

If the Far East still interested in you, you know that the main costs will be spent on the road, as is already in place all sorts of tourist centers offer

settle for an average of one thousand rubles a day.

Andaman sea

Probably, many people have not heard about this. It is semi By area This sea Not surprisingly, the Andaman Sea has a very rich fauna:

 there live almost 400 species of fish, including volatile, Irrawaddy dolphins, bull, tiger, reef sharks, dugongs, etc., and in the early 2000s,

scientists have found almost 200 species of coral. .

Do not want to see with my own eyes underwater life and incredible sunsets "blue Indochina" very difficult (even though the 12-13-hour flights),

but be careful: the rainy season (May and September) on the Andaman Sea beaches often appear bluebottle jellyfish and box jellyfish,

which are really dangerous to humans and can even kill.

Barencevo sea

Why not? Nobody said that if a vacation, be sure to heat or European cities. The Barents Sea, too, may surprise, believe me.

 And, in addition to the fascinating species it is, of course, fishing.

The sea is incredibly rich in algae, plankton, crabs, sea urchins and fish, including herring, cod, flounder, halibut, and others.

Plus, when traveling, you can easily come across harp seals, seals, and may have a polar bear. Another feature, due to which people travel

long distances to the Barents sea

Most often, potential tourists scares not only distance, but also the cost of the trip. In this case, the network can find tours that include fishing, diving,

and ground Will only add flight (from the capital

Kandalakshksky Bay

Another tourist, unjustly deprived of interest to tourists and is also located on the territory of the Murmansk region (as well as the Republic of Karelia)

  Gulf Shores rocky, rugged and lips are covered with dense forests.

On its coast and islands is one of the oldest reserves in Russia, where there are tourist routes, length of three kilometers.

Naturally, the most popular activity among visitors is fishing: you can catch cod easily, flounder, catfish, sea bass, etc.

According to the locals, the best biting This August the entrance to the Bay of Islands and fishing within 500 meters of them denied (80% of the islands

Dead Sea

And the least extreme of the coast all the above Believe me, it is necessary to forget about the distance and from the airport and the main attractions,

 and at least once in life to go on the lowest portion of the planet (430 meters below sea level). The length of the Dead Sea

The benefits of water, air and mud from the Dead Sea (high content of bromine, iodine and other substances) legends, so give this a lot of

 times we do not. And yes, there really can be based on the water, not even knowing how to swim (you just pushes to the surface).

 Tip: take care of your eyes and do not spill water on the affected areas of the skin

Dead Sea region is of great interest to public health research.

There are several reasons: minerals, lack of pollen and other allergens, less UV radiation because of the in

Find the appropriate value and conditions of the tour to the Dead Sea will not be absolutely no difficulty: tour operators offer a lot of options.

But if you enjoy outdoor activities, and can not long sit still, call in on this sea for a day or two (otherwise bored).

And yes, not very good news: every year the sea level falls by almost a meter, so hurry up with reflections.