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바람따라 구름따라
뇌에 좋은 최고의 식용제품 본문
1. Blueberry.
Scientists from Tufts University in the United States claim that the constant consumption of blueberries helps improve memory and even prevent its short-term loss. Ideally, a better balance between consumption of blueberries and special exercises for the development of memory (about exercise here). Blueberries are widely available in frozen form. And as you know, frozen berries, fruit and vegetables retain all useful properties, vitamins and minerals.
2. Whole grain products.
The brain, like all organs in our body needs energy. The ability to concentrate comes from the brain glucose supply, which he delivers to our blood vessels. Whole grain products are slow carbohydrates, continuously vydelaûŝimi glucose in our blood stream thereby giving your brain a charge of energy for a long time. Eat Brown, raw cereals, whole wheat bread and pasta from coarse flour.
3. Fatty fish.
People who eat oily fish, they have 19% less likely to encounter problems with memory. This conclusion made the scientists at the University of Alabama in the year 2013. Scientists have proven that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as oily fish, chicken and some vegetables, help prevent the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Essential fatty acids our body is essential. In addition to fish, a good source of Omega-3 flax oil can become and soy beans, pumpkin seeds, walnut oil and soybeans. Even cooked thermally oily fish retains a sufficient amount of good fats.
4. The tomatoes.
It has been proven that Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant which protects our body from free radicals,
which, in turn, provoke the development of Alzheimer's disease.
5. Black currant.
Vitamin c good for mental activity.
Perhaps the best source of vitamin c is the currant. In one spoonful contained a daily dose of this useful for brain vitamin.
6. Pumpkin seeds.
A handful of pumpkin seeds a day is enough to get a daily dose of zinc, which is essential for improving memory and cognitive skills.
7. Broccoli.
An excellent source of vitamin c, which, as is well known, increases cognitive function and improves mental ability.
8. Sage.
Sage has long earned reputation of plants, improves memory. Studies have shown that it's all about essential oils.
Therefore, the inclusion of a Sage in the diet is necessary.
9. The walnuts.
In the American Journal of epidemiology was published a report that stated that taking vitamin e reduces cognitive impairment (memory disorders),
especially in older people. Good sources of vitamin e are nuts, especially walnuts. They are even similar to the human brain.
This could include green leafy vegetables, olives, eggs and Spa.
10. Green tea.
Japanese scientists conducted a study which was attended by more than 700 elderly people over 60 years old.
The study found that drinking green tea regularly reduces the development of dementia.
Even those who drank green tea just 1 time a week, showed good results.
11. coffee.
Coffee also reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Scientists have suggested that 3-5 cups of coffee a day reduce the risk of contracting Alzheimer's disease by 20%.
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