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13일동안 7개 불가사의를 여행한 Megan Sullivan 본문
Directed by Megan Sullivan of San - Francisco lived calm , normal life , while a series of accidents did not fall on it .
In November last year , it dropped to 150 - meter cliff while climbing in Yosemite National Park , then it was hit by a car in the hospital
it was diagnosed as : skin cancer . And it all happened within one month !
All these terrible incident opened the eyes of the young woman to the fact , that she so much wanted to do .
" After , like there was a terrible incident in my life in the worst month of my life , I began to think , as I live ,"
- wrote on his page in social networks Megan .
Two weeks later , she decided to see the seven new wonders of the world , selected by the Foundation the New7Wonders.
In just 13 days , Sullivan visited 12 countries and traveled a total of 45,100 kilometers !
Her first stop was at Chichen - Itza , an ancient abandoned city of the Maya , and then she went to see Machu - Picchu ,
the statue of Christ - Redeemer , the Colosseum , Petra , Taj - Mahal and the Great Wall of China .
A young girl teased spectacular photos of his travels on his personal website , in Instagram e , and in the page of YouTube.
At each stop, and photos , Sullivan shared her personal story and provides advice on the planning and budgeting of such travel .
Day 1: Chichen - Itza
Day 2: Machu - Picchu
Day 4: Statue of Christ - Redeemer
Day 6: The Colosseum
Day 8: Petra
Day 11: Taj - Mahal
Day 12: The Great Wall of China
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