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중국고대 Woolley Bridge or Bridge Anping 본문


중국고대 Woolley Bridge or Bridge Anping

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 5. 6. 17:18

In the Gulf between the provinces Dzhinyang and Nan'ao , west of the city of Fuzhou in China , there is a beautiful bridge 12 - th century ,

built of huge stone blocks . The bridge is known under the names of Woolley Bridge or Bridge Anping .

 Its length  is more than two kilometers -  2070 meters ( to be exact ), and it is the second longest bridge after the old bridge

over the Danube Constantine length 2437 meters . Until 1905 the year Anping bridge was the longest bridge in China .

1. The bridge is located in the prefecture of the city of Quanzhou , crossing the  tidal estuary Shindzhing River , which separates the city

Anh east of the river , from the city Shuitou to the west of the river .

The city was formerly known as Anping Anh , from which comes the name of the bridge .

2.  The bridge was built between 1138 and 1151 years during the reign of the Song Dynasty Pivdennyi .

 It consists of 331 spans of granite beams , resting on top of lodochkovidnyh stone bulls , the weight of the largest of which is 25 tons .

The bridge has four square and two round stone pagoda , standing symmetrically on each side .

Hexagonal , five-story pagoda , built of brick , has a height of about twenty-two meters and it can be seen from afar .

3.  Initially, the bridge was 150 meters long , but - due to siltation of the estuary bridge was shortened .

Throughout on the bridge also has  five pavilions , where travelers could rest , but at the moment there is only one pavilion .

4.  Nowadays Shindzhing mouth of the river in this area heavily silted up , so under the bridge of the river is quite narrow channel .

Consequently , now the bridge crosses the main , that is a sequence of lakes or ponds , separated by marshes .

Modern Highway crosses Shindzhing few hundred meters to the river south of the historic bridge Anping .

5.  The bridge is now nationally protected historical monument .