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세계최고의 하이킹 트레일 베스트 10 본문


세계최고의 하이킹 트레일 베스트 10

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 4. 9. 15:32

1.Zion National Park , Utah , United States

Zion not only has numerous hiking trails , but also quite difficult terrain for the more experienced nature lovers ,

who want to rise to these canyons and steep walls .

2.Cliffs of Moher , Ireland

Moher Cliffs annually visited by more than 1 million visitors every year , and they are the most popular natural attraction  in Ireland .

Rock walls stretch for 8 km along the Atlantic coast . At the highest point , at 1835 Tower on was built by ' Bryan , offering exciting prospects .

3.Besseggen ridge , Jotunheimen , Norway

The mountain range , which is embedded between the lakes and Gende Bessvagnet , creating beautiful scenery .

Not surprisingly , it's a popular place attracts a lot of travelers and tourists .

It may be , they are also looking for trolls and other monsters , as the area is known as the home of giants .

4.Koolau Sum , Macapa , Hawaii

Discover this exciting path , which will delight the incredible panoramic views of the ocean .

The trail stretches from the south - east of the island of Oahu , to Kahuku on the north - east , and is about 56 km long .

5.Azores , Portugal

The archipelago is one of the autonomous Portuguese regions , being at 1360 km from the mainland in the Atlantic Ocean .

Its volcanic origin contributed to the fact , that there is incredible landscapes , fertile soil and lush greenery .

The nine islands belong to the archipelago .

 All nine of them have exciting plots and developed tourist industry system ,nature is the biggest attraction in the Azores .

6.Vatnajökull , Iceland

This is one of the largest glaciers in Europe , covering 8% of Iceland . Tourists can choose a variety of activities .

 Numerous hiking trails allow you to explore the glacier , while camping permit to spend the night and continue their journey the next day .

7.Fyadrarglyufur , Iceland

Canyon in the south - eastern part of the country is often called the most beautiful in the world .

 His view is the result of thousands of years of erosion , caused by the melting of glaciers .

Canyon has a  2 km long and up to 100 meters deep . Visitors can easily walk to the canyon and along the river .

8.Pipivey Road , Haleakala National Park , Maui , Hawaii

The route is one of the most exciting in the park . The trail runs through the lush rain forests , amazing caves , waterfalls , various plants and ,

most importantly provides the pleasure of outdoor activities during the day .

Great views of the valley opens to the top of the hill , where so romantic It is a declaration of love to his girlfriend ,

 or take a picture of the types and send a picture to your friends .

And if your friend's birthday , you can send a beautiful photo and greeting to a friend , which will certainly be a unique and interesting .

The portal nashi - pozdravleniya.ru can find many different congratulations not only for each other , but for moms , girlfriends , grandmothers and al . 

9.Danks , China

One would think , that the landscape is an excerpt from a surreal painting .

The colorful stripes are the result of geomorphological processes , which occurred after the Jurassic : 145 - 66 million years ago .

Colorful sandstone also hides a multitude of small caves below the surface - a real treat for lovers of caving . in addition ,

Danks landscapes were enrolled in the World heritage list .

10.Gorge Bled , Zgome Gorje , Slovenia

In this beautiful valley there is wooden path and bridges , which are along the river , which allows you to explore the area .

The path ends at the stunning point - a picturesque waterfall Sum . The length of the trail is only 3 km away and is completed in about one hour .

It's not tiring , and vice versa - very exciting and interesting .