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믿기 어렵고 잊혀지지 않을 현실공간 사진 45 본문


믿기 어렵고 잊혀지지 않을 현실공간 사진 45

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2024. 9. 29. 14:17

믿기 어렵고 잊혀지지 않을 현실공간 사진 45


약간 으스스하거나, 불안하거나, 심지어 완전히 으스스한 장소를 본 적이 있을까? 어쩌면 조명, 주변에 있는 물체 때문일까, 

아니면 전반적으로 불안한 분위기 때문일까요? 어쩌면 당신도 실제로 비슷한 장소에 가본 적이 있을 것이다. 

이 세상과 다른 어딘가를 잇는 관문처럼 보이는 곳.
만약 그랬다면, 당신은 아마도 한계 공간에 가본 적이 있을 것이다. 

인터넷에서는 일반적으로 빈 방, 복도, 심지어 어떤 이유로 초현실적으로 보이는 거리를 말한다. 


1.Lovely Winter's Day In Amsterdam 

2.A Bridge In Norway While Snowing 

3.Lonely Gas Station 

4.This Picture Of Moment Valley Always Felt Liminal 

5.Sinking Feeling 

6.My Mother-In-Law’s House Flooded Last Night.

Took This Pic Before We Started Pumping Water Out, Thought It Looked Surreal. 

7. I Am Currently Working Construction At A New Amazon Fulfillment Center (650,000 Square Feet).

This Is The Fourth Of Five Floor. That Is Fog In The Background 

8.Unsure If These Fit Here But It Was Quite A Walk Last Night 

9.I Think This Belongs Here 

10.Movie Theaters Tell No Tales 

11.This Empty Beach Me And My Girlfriend Saw While Taking A Walk Last Night 

12.It’s Been 38 Hours And It’s Still Dark Out. Everyone Else On The Cruise Seemingly Vanished 

13.The Creepiest Gas Station On Earth. 

14.The Building Next To The Hotel I'm Staying At 

15.Sky Parking 

16. Birthday Room In My Local Movie Theater 

17. New Fear Unlocked- Indoor Pools With Dim Lighting 

18. Iron Mine In Virginia That Was Abandoned In The Early 1900s 

19. This Was My Neighborhood Today 

20.Crown Of Birds 

21.A Liminal Encounter I Felt Compelled To Share 

22.Standing Under The Avala TV Tower, Mountain Avala, Serbia 

23.This Does Not Look Real 

24.Something Feels Off 

25.The Most Liminal Space I’ve Ever Visited 

26.Our Apartment 

27.Was Exploring The Massive Old Hilton In Chicago, And Came Across This Room In The Basement 

28. Do You Remember Your Home 

29. Lobby Of An Abandoned Paul Rudolph Masterpiece 

30.A Hotel In The Fog 

31.Accommodation At My School 

32.This Tall Guy In My Neighbor’s Yard Always Scares The Hell Out Of Me. It’s 2 Small Trees And A Satellite Dish 

33.It's Always So Quiet This Time Of The Day 

34.My Workplace Is Looking A Little Like A Liminal Space 

35.Closed Since 1997 

36.Liminal Neighborhood I Saw 

37.Took This Pic While Delivering Pizza To An Apartment. Definitely Had A Cool Eerie Vibe 

38. Calm Day At The Beach 

39. Toys R Us… In The Middle Of Nowhere 

40.Infinite Path 

41.Uncanny-Looking Resort I Visited In Kosovo 

42.My Depressing Visit To Chuck E. Cheese Back In 2020. 

43.You Better Be Safe 

44.Even On A Beautiful Day Something Felt Off About My Apartment Complex 

45.Amphitheater Museum, Lyon