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세계의 특이한 디자인의 건물 59 본문


세계의 특이한 디자인의 건물 59

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2023. 3. 11. 23:38

세계의 특이한 디자인의 건물 59

'Shitty Building Porn'커뮤니티

1.[terrible] Building In Philadelphia


2.Selfridges Department Store In England


3.I'm On The 9th Floor You Can't Miss It! [kuwait]


4.Mirador Building In Madrid


5.Upside-Down Building


6.Federal Building In San Fransisco


7.[terrible] Thin Building, Egypt


8.Horrible Attempt At Re-Creating The Nice Architecture Of An Older Building


9.Antilia In India (Personal Home)


10.Elephant Building In Bangkok


11.The Rock In New Zealand


12.This Ugly House In Mill Basin, Brooklyn


13.Kaden Tower In Kentucky


14.Grand Lisboa Hotel In Macau


15.Dome Home Near The Gulf


16.Markus Bahlmann - Macau Old Residential Building


17.National Library In Buenos Aires, Argentina


18.House Of Soviets In Kaliningrad


19.Another Railway Station In Estonia


20.Gateway To A Residential Neighborhood In Poland


21.First World Hotel In Malaysia


22.The 800 - Louisville, Ky


23.Landmark Theater In England


24.Verizon Building NYC


25.Brand New Homes In Shorewood, Illinois


26.Beautiful Skycraper In Krakow, Poland


27.Majesty Building - Orlando


28.Toys R Us - Battle Creek, Mi


29.Some Ugly Building In Athens, Greece


30.Part Of A Cookie Cutter Housing Development Project, So There Are 40 Others Like This. (Non-Us)


31.Boston City Hall In Boston


32.People's Park Hotel In Singapore


33.Literal [terrible] Building


34.John F. Kennedy Terrace, Joliet, Illinois


35.Joliet, Illinois


36.That Should Do It! (Virgin Active Gym In George, South Africa)


37.Department Of Education (Pohnpei)


38.Bosvale Community Cetre, Cornwall, UK


39.[terrible] Rental - Chch, New Zealand


40.[terrible] Building In Rotterdam


41.Department Store In Estonia


42.La Lavadora In Mexico City


43.Parque Do Sol, Caxias Do Sul, Brazil.


44.A Shack In Hampton, Nh


45.Manila Slums


46.Cabrini Green - Chicago (These Are Why Chicago Is So Anti-Gun)


47.Railway Station In Estonia


48.Delftware Warming Station In Netherlands


49.I Guess We're Using Styrofoam Brick Facades Now


50.House Fit For A King. (Russia)


51.Buulding In Bodie, A Town In California


52.Homes In Joliet, Illinois


53.Bauhaus, Tallinn, Estonia


54.Cuban Suburbs


55.American Ice Cream Bakery Company Building, Joliet, Illinois


56.Joe Bar, California


57.House In Vientiane, Laos


58.Rural Mount - Morristown, Tennessee


59.A Strip Mall In Joliet, Illinois