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세계에서 가장 큰 수영장 칠레 San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo 본문


세계에서 가장 큰 수영장 칠레 San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2021. 6. 17. 18:45

세계에서 가장 큰 수영장 칠레 San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo



Chile built the largest swimming pool in the world for good reason (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo)
The San Alfonso del Mar Resort boasts an impressive swimming pool (Algarrobo, Chile).
The pool is 1013 m long (San Alfonso del Mar, Chile).
The basin of the San Alfonso del Mar resort, covering an area of ​​more than 80 hectares, contains 250 million liters of ocean water (Algarrobo, Chile).


A total of $ 1.5 billion was spent on the creation of a basin and systems for purifying ocean water. (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo).
You can even go sailing in the giant pool (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo).
Thanks to innovative implementations, the pool water is crystal clear and clear (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo).
Hotels will delight you both in appearance and modern comfort (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo).
Water activities are still a priority (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo).
The San Alfonso del Mar resort and its giant pool has become the most popular holiday destination in Chile (Algarrobo).
Thanks to the development of Fernando Fishman, it was possible to build the most impressive and huge pool in the world (San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo).