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Arabia해 Yemen의 Socotra 섬 본문


Arabia해 Yemen의 Socotra 섬

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2018. 8. 27. 22:23

Arabian Sea Yemen의  Socotra 섬

A view of Socotra's shoreline with a Socotran desert rose in the foreground.

the Arabian Sea coast of Socotra Island.

The approach to Ditwa lagoon and beach near the port of Qalensiya, the second biggest town on Socotra Island

Dolphins swim along the coast of Socotra. 

A sunset view from the top of a mountain in Socotra.

A freshwater pool on Socotra Island.

Dragon blood trees, known locally as Dam al-Akhawain or "blood of the two brothers," on Socotra Island

A dragon blood tree stands in Socotra's Diksam Plateau 

An Egyptian vulture flies on Socotra Island

A dragon blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) on Socotra Island. 

Detail of the branches of a dragon blood tree

Dragon blood trees at night, photographed with a long exposure time

Bottle trees stand on a hillside in Wadi Diksam on Socotra Island 

A bottle tree sprouts from a perch in a rocky hillside. 

A bottle tree, Socotra's desert rose (Adenium obesum), in bloom on Socotra Island.

A blooming bottle tree on a rocky outcrop in the Haghir mountains on Socotra Island.

Socotra's Detwah Lagoon under starlight.

Sand dunes along Socotra's shoreline

Sand dunes of Socotra.

Windblown patterns in Socotran dunes.

Pale Socotran dunes. While the island has a tropical desert climate, only small regions along the southern shore have stretches of 

sand dunes. 

A Socotra starling (Onychognathus frater).

A chameleon hides in a plant on Socotra Island.

A car sits parked inside the mouth of Dogub cave on Socotra Island

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