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바람따라 구름따라
가을 단풍이 가장 아름다운곳 20 본문
Autumn is undoubtedly a magical season, during which you can watch a spectacular show,
during which the trees are covered with leaves of stunning shades of red, orange and yellow flowers.
However, some places are more magical than others.
Temple of Daigodzhi, Kyoto, Japan.
Paris, France
Autumn colors fill the streets of Paris.
Autumn is one of the best times of the year to travel to Paris, because it is cheaper, at this time of year there are fewer people here.
Can you think of a better time to see the Palais Royal or Versailles garden than when they are surrounded by a fiery hue?
The highway is a million dollars (route 550 in the US), Colorado
In autumn Colorado is so incredible that this season here even has its name: "Indian Summer".
Here it is necessary to go with backpacks to an interesting pedestrian trip through the most beautiful hills.
And on the portal you can buy high-quality backpacks from the Czech manufacturer Topgal, which has been
producing products for the European market for 20 years.
Topgal backpacks are resistant to temperature changes, have enviable strength and correct design.
Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto, which was recognized as the best city in the world twice in a row, features incredible food and incredible temples,
but the real highlight of the program is the autumn herbarium. Bright red leaves around the temple of Daigodzi will hit any tourist.
Napa Valley, California
It's no secret that in the Napa Valley vineyards grow, where an amazing American wine is made.
But here you can also see the amazing beauty of a dreamy leaf fall.
The shore of Hallstatt Lake, Austria
Panoramic views of the Austrian Alps, crystal clear waters and stunning autumn colors are unparalleled.
Budapest, Hungary
Autumn is an ideal season for visiting the city of Budapest.
Known as the "Bath City", thanks to its rich spa heritage, established by the Romans, Budapest offers many opportunities for
relaxation in stunning, thermal springs that have medicinal properties.
London, England
Autumn picnic surrounded by autumn flowers.
The Green Mountain Highway (Route 100), Vermont
Vermont is the Holy Grail of autumn flowers in the east of America.
This 220-mile route traverses almost the entire state, through meandering gentle mountains, valleys,
green pastures, agricultural lands and forests.
Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
Located in the Chinese province of Sichuan, Jiuzhaigou National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
and its visitors can see rare animals such as giant pandas, golden monkeys, and forests,
beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow flowers in the autumn months.
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
The castle that inspired the design of the Disney castle looks even more magical surrounded by autumn shades.
Tuscany, Italy
Famous for its art and Renaissance architecture, olive groves and vineyards, Tuscany from Italy is also stunningly beautiful in autumn.
Denali National Park and Nature Reserve, Alaska, USA
Visitors can literally inspect six million acres of autumn foliage in this national park.
Washington, DC
Forget the famous spring cherries and see the capital of the USA when it is blazing with autumn colors.
Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina and Virginia
Amsterdam, Netherlands
one of the many canals of Amsterdam.
Central Park, New York
The central park is surrounded on all sides by "concrete jungle" and in the autumn time it is a bright natural place.
Niagara Falls, New York
omposed of three massive waterfalls, Niagara Falls is one of the most dazzling waterfalls in the world.
The contrast of blue water and red and orange trees is a sight.
Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the National Forest of Santa Fe are full of aspens and coniferous trees,
which in turn acquire a bright yellow color in the fall.
Highlands, Scotland
In Scotland in the autumn you can see some of the most beautiful landscapes.
Autumn is the best time to watch wild animals, such as deer, gray seals, white-cheeked geese, and swans.
Quebec, Canada
From the middle to the end of September - the best time to see the autumn foliage in Quebec.
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