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여름휴가지로 좋은 群島 6 본문


여름휴가지로 좋은 群島 6

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2017. 5. 21. 16:19

There is nothing better than sailing.

 The wind blew your hair, salty sea breeze on your face, the sun caresses your skin. 

It's an endless freedom - to sail on a yacht forward into the wild blue abyss. 

Whether you're an intrepid explorer or set sail for the first time, today we will talk about six incredible archipelago 

that will inspire you to go on vacation.

Maluku Islands - Indonesia

Legendary and mysterious Maluku (also known as spice islands) tightly clamped between the shift tectonic plates. 

Here you can see the great chain of volcanoes, hot springs, parts of the burning of tropical forests.

Lofoten - Norway

In the stormy waters of the Norwegian Sea, far above the Arctic Circle, the Lofoten Islands are a historic district in the county of Nordland. 
The kingdom of the polar bear, these islands boast a pristine arctic wilderness, which offers access to the brave sailors fragile landscapes of
 pristine nature.

Argo-Saronic Islands - Greece

From the Greek capital Athens, it's just a short hop across the crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea to the Saronic islands.
 Immersed in the rich maritime history of the island hugging the coast between Piraeus, the port of Athens and the Peloponnese.

Society Islands, French Polynesia

The team of 200 islands divided into five archipelagos: Society Islands, Tuamotu, Gambier, Marquesas, and Australian. 
French Polynesia covers over 4.1 million square kilometers of the Pacific Ocean and is formed from a low-lying coral atoll, 
which protrude above the waves and three meters above the water, and high surge volcanic peaks up to 2241 m above sea level.

Galapagos Islands - Ecuador

At a distance of more than 600 miles from the coast of Ecuador in the waters of the South Pacific, is the famous Galapagos Archipelago. 
Serving as inspiration for the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin, the island is very old, the oldest of which about 4 million. 
Years, and the youngest is still in the process of formation.

Croatian archipelago - Croatia

The largest archipelago in the Adriatic Sea: 718 islands, islets and reefs covering the Croatian coast and provide a haven 

for yacht lovers summer sun. The islands abound with historic attractions: fishing villages and bustling resorts. 

There are a lot of things to explore on the 47 inhabited islands scattered throughout the archipelago.