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스페인의 산속 염전마을- Anan 본문


스페인의 산속 염전마을- Anan

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2017. 2. 10. 15:02


Salado River Valley, in the town of Annan, in northern Spain, is rich in deposits of salt.

However, due to the mountainous terrain is a shortage of flat, open countryside, where the water can evaporate, and salt would settle.

This led to the development of a number of impressive designs, consisting of staggered terraces evaporator, built of stone, wood and clay.

 Network channels and gutters made of wood transported by gravity salt water from the sources to the salt-marsh complex.

This exceptional physiological landscape associated with salt production, is built to adapt to the difficult topography of the terrain and

 is one of the most beautiful and well-preserved cultural landscapes in Europe.



History hydrochloric Salado Valley has six thousand years, although in those days salt was mined in another way.

Salt water was collected in a large ceramic pots, which were then placed over a fire until all the water does not boil away.

Changes in the system of forced evaporation on natural occurred in the first century BC, when the area in the north of Spain was

captured by the Roman Empire.

The first salt lakes were built in the form of baths with raised edges of compacted clay.

Later evaporating baths were built of wood. Currently, in the valley of the Salado, there are more than 2,000 salt lakes.




Salt is deposited about 200 million years ago, when dry ancient ocean that once covered the valley.

 Over time, the salt layer has been buried under new layers of earth.

As a rule, underground salt deposits, such as here, developing mining method, but here in the valley,

there are several natural sources, which is bringing the salt water to the surface.

The salt solution has a concentration of up to 210 grams of salt per liter of water.



salt production season varies each year depending on weather conditions.

It usually begins in May and lasts until September.

After September, the cool weather and long nights slow down the process of evaporation and constant rain spoil

a small amount of salt produced.

During the rest of the year working on the salt works maintenance salt farms, preparing them for the next season.





















