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북한의 mobile 기술 본문


북한의 mobile 기술

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2017. 1. 31. 15:39

                                                                                    1. Almost nobody uses the Internet.

Internet in North Korea are, but access is heavily restricted, and to use them can only foreigners and party leaders

 Most of the same Koreans available national Internet Techn, which completely screened off from the outside world. 

Nevertheless, it is possible to Kvamen network e-commerce. For example the first North Korea Okryu online store.

2. North Korea has banned Facebook, but created his clone.

North Korea has banned Facebook, but developed a clone of Facebook, which was fully operational and allowed users 

to register using email.

                                                                 3. have Smartphones one of ten North Koreans.

In the North To about 3 million mobile phone users, but modern smartphones have only a few hundred thousand.

                                                                  4. The North Koreans cannot make international calls.

The main communication operator in North Korea, Koryolink does not allow you to make international calls. 

For calls to relatives who had left the country, residents use telephones and SIM cards in China, which is a very risky undertaking.

                                                                               5. Desktop PCs only for the rich.

The North Koreans really use computers, but they are mostly available for party activists or students. 

There are also computers in Internet cafes and schools, even though their use is controlled.

                                                                      6. USB pendrive as a fashion accessory.

PCS are so rare that young people living in the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, are Flash as a fashion accessory.

                                                         7. on computers running an operating system based on Linux.

North Korea set up its own operating system called Red Star, based on Linux. 

The OS includes a text editor, calendar and Media Player. All photos marked watermarked.

                                                                          8. the operating system looks like Mac OS.

Interface heavily copied from popular Mac OS.

                                                                            9. Cheap Chinese tablets only for the elite.

Tablets have survived and to North Korea. Chinese Tablet Woolim was introduced last year to North Korea.

There is no Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Despite the fact that in China the Tablet is very cheap in Korea he is worth about € 250,

 that can't afford many SEV rokorejcam.

10. Tv-are not uncommon.

TV is not unusual in North Korea, because through tv broadcast authorities could inform people of their messages. 

Channel sets, however, severely restricted.