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"2017년은 수탉의 해" 본문


"2017년은 수탉의 해"

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2017. 1. 24. 17:19

2017 is The Year of Rooster. Millions across the world are preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year. 

To embrace the spirit of this year check out Endre Penovac world-known artist’s amazing ink paintings.

Penovac doesn’t want simply to reproduce the appearance of the rooster, but to capture its spirit in the best way. 

Endre puts upon the paper the fewest possible lines and tones, just enough to depict the imaged form and texture.

 Every brush-touch is full-charged with meaning.

The artist is sublimely able to use ink to create a balance between brightness and darkness, density and transparency 

and to display a great impression of the rooster’s character.