관리 메뉴

바람따라 구름따라

미스터리 써클(crop circles) 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

미스터리 써클(crop circles)

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 12. 27. 17:47

Actually, the story appears in the agricultural fields of strange geometric shapes, is rooted in the distant past

 - the first such report on the phenomenon, which received in our time called "crop circles" refers to a pamphlet in 1678,

 was published in England.

 Its name «Mowing-Devil», ie "Devil-mower" clearly alludes to what someone is doing.

However, in the next three hundred years, crop circles have appeared infrequently 

- less than a dozen known cases where people have observed this phenomenon in all this time. 

However, in the 70s of the last century has changed everything

 - the mysterious figure began to arise almost every month among crops sowings.

This "epidemic" of crop circles immediately excited UFO

 - "experts" on contacts with extraterrestrials began to say that these figures are nothing else than the messages 

that are left for those representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

And they are not embarrassed by the fact that most of these messages are used for characters that are completely terrestrial in origin.

As for scientists, they immediately react to an alien version of the origin of these circles very skeptical. 

Their highly embarrassing that a detailed study of these circles always detected signs that their creation was carried out 

with the help of quite earthly agricultural machinery. 

Furthermore, it was suspicious and that these circles have appeared mainly in the fields of British farmers, 

as well as their counterparts living in English-speaking countries (Canada, the US, New Zealand).

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The key to the secrets of the mysterious crop circles was quite banal. 

In September 1991, UK residents David Chorley and Douglas Bower publicly admitted that it is they have created the first circle, 

and then continued their business quite a large group of like-minded people.

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But what made these two quite respectable and law-abiding Britons head to fool the public for twenty years, 

while respecting to the same English law and the inviolability of private property? 

Chorley and Bower say that they do not think "implicate" in the case of aliens

 - the creation of the first pictures of their pieces inspired tracks that left on the wheat farm equipment fields.

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After the Chorley and Bauer caught the eye of the same book about the devil-Kosar (which, incidentally, 

was written as a handbook for witch hunters), then enthusiasts realized that the creation of

 such figures can be very exciting and lucrative hoax. 

The main thing - to keep the crop circles as often as possible, what would the public, are susceptible to 

all the unusual, not lost interest in this phenomenon.

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So, as you can see, all of these supposedly mysterious figure actually turned out to be nothing more than a deliberate hoax. 

However, the "epidemic" does not end there 

- it Chorley and Bower podhavtili hundreds of enthusiasts who dreamed but also find themselves in a new field of 

art soveremennyy as crop circles after the recognition of their creators have become very fashionable

 and profitable line of contemporary pop art.

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However, the recognition of Chorley and Bower could not quite convince UFO enthusiasts and mystics

 - they still believe that the mysterious figure left on our fields aliens.

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And even collected each year of the conference, which enthusiastically discussing the same question:

 what is it trying to tell us "brothers on reason", leaving the fields, these mysterious figures?

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However, special care of all these lovers of the mystical and the supernatural, alas, are no different

 - it showed a brilliant experiment conducted by the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in 2001.

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Then, on the order it was made some of the most different geometric shapes in the fields, and so that a number of

 them have been left clear traces that they were made with the help of agricultural machinery. 

So, invited to assess these circles and UFO experts in paranormal phenomena did not notice anything and recognized these circles genuine!

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However, while trying to decipher UFO "message" extraterrestrial life, a group of artists continue to create more and more crop circles.

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One of them is called «Circlemakers», founded by artist John Lundberg, I could even put this business on a commercial basis

 - farmers specially invited to their fields the creators of this team for what would be the ones under the cover of

 "painted" the night among the mysterious circles crops .

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In addition, the creation of these circles is very interested travel agencies 

- because people are happy to go to look at these figures, regardless of who created them, the artists of the human race or the aliens.

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According to representatives of the many tour companies, since in rural areas in England have started to appear in the following fields, 

the tourist flow increased to almost five times! 

Thus, we can say that just such circles bring tangible benefits, they will appear anywhere, no matter how exposed 

their scientists and just sensible people.

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However, some of the figures are so complex and so ideal proportions that sometimes does not allow to believe that this is 

the work of men's hands.

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