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세계에서 가장 흥미로운 동굴 10 본문
1. Cave Krubera.
Krubera Cave, which also is also called Crow cave in 2001 was named the deepest cave in the world.
In October 2004, scientists estimated its depth at 2080 meters. The cave is located in the Republic of Abkhazia.
In a cave at a depth of over 300 meters, some previously unknown forms of life were found, such as Pscudoscorpions, parasitic worms,
and transparent fish - that live here in conditions of water temperature around zero degrees.
2. Lubang Nasib Bagus.
Lubang Nasib Bagus cave or fun, is famous as the largest cave in the world. It is located in the Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo.
The estimated ceiling height of 100 meters and the maximum size is estimated at 700 x 400 meters.
The cave is so big that it can fit in the length of eight planes, or 7,500 passenger bus.
All the fun of the cave were created by the action of running water, five million years ago.
Other caves that are in Lubang Nasib called Cave of the Winds, the cave Happiness and others.
3. Marble Cathedral
Cuevas de Marmol, or Marble Cathedral, located in a cave in a rock washed Lago General Carrera lake waters, which is the fourth largest lake in
Argentina and the largest in Chile. It is located on the border between Chile and Argentina.
To get to this amazing place for tourists to fly from the capital to the town of Coyhaique, and then get another 320 km to the south of the lake.
But the long trip is worth it, and the audience will be rewarded with views of the crystal clear water and beautiful patterned marble walls.
The caves can be reached only by boat.
The cave was formed 6000 years ago the waves crashing on the calcium carbonate. water color varies depending on the weather, the water level and
the time of year.
4. Underground River St. Paul.
Underground River in Palawan, the Philippines, also known as St. Paul's Underground River, and was declared a National Park in 1971.
The river flows into the sea. Along the way, it flows through the cave, which is home to some of the most beautiful limestone formations in the world.
Some of these structures resemble animals, fungi, or human.
January 28, 2012 an underground river has been named one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature.
Only 4 kilometers of river available for tourists. If someone wants to swim across the river, then he will need a special permit.
5. Waitomo Cave.
Cave Waitomo in New Zealand - home to little spiders - fireflies Arachnocampa luminosa.
They glow in order to attract insects to lure them into the silk threads of its web.
Thousands of fireflies live in Waitomo cave, which became one of the main attractions of New Zealand's North Island. According to Groth Fireflies
can take a boat ride and enjoy the glow of hundreds of fireflies on the ceiling. The lower cave is the Cathedral of the Accounts Chamber and the
speakers recognized ideal for concerts of opera stars.
6 .Orda Cave.
Orda cave, the longest underwater cave in Russia and in the world. Its length is nearly 5 kilometers.
The water in the cave is so clean and clear that plunges into its depths, divers will be able to see at a distance up to 45 m.
However Orda Cave is not a suitable place for the unprepared tourist walks.
There is still a poorly understood small tunnels and caves that branch off from the main cave. The water is always cold.
7. Tunnel glycine
Garden flowers Kawachi fuži (Kawachi Fuji Garden) - amazingly beautiful place.
And the most beautiful place in the garden is a wisteria tunnel, or even a tunnel of wisteria.
Here there are about 150 wisteria plants, at least 20 species, grown in the garden, blooming purple, white, blue, blue or pink.
The best time to visit the gardens - is the period from late April to mid-May, when conducted "Fuji Matsuri" or "Wisteria Festival".
Peak blooming season comes at the end of April. At other times, the wisteria in bloom and not visitors see only the lifeless branches.
8. Blue Grotto
Grotto Azzura - one of the most famous tourist destinations on the island of Capri.
This half-submerged sea caves filled with amazing blue light. In Roman times, people believed that live here Nereids, sirens and demons.
Blue light in the cave is formed under the influence of sunlight filtering holes near the water surface.
9 .Fingal's Cave
Staffa Island - an uninhabited island off the coast of Scotland. In its interior there are several sea caves, the most famous of which- Fingal's Cave.
It is also called the Cave Melody.
Fingal's Cave is 70 meters length and consists entirely of interlocking hexagonal columns of basalt, possibly formed by prehistoric lava flows
and turbulent sea. In 1829, the composer Felix Mendelssohn visited Fingal's Cave, and the sound of waves inside, became a source of inspiration
for his overture "The Hebrides".
10. Ice Cave Eisriesenwelt
Cave Eisriesenwelt in Austria is the world's largest ice cave, a length of almost 50 km. Her name translates as "The World of ice giants."
Opened in 1879, it consists of many rooms, passages and halls, interconnected, which allows air to circulate freely on all cameras.
Different color ice formations is due to mineral content.
The cave is situated above the village of Werfen in Salzburg. Tourists walk in front of the cave distribute lights. Only part of the cave is open to the public.
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