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이탈리아의 Lavender 들판 나무위에 지은 집 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

이탈리아의 Lavender 들판 나무위에 지은 집

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 12. 9. 18:02

Treehouse Suite Bleue in the picturesque Italian commune Arlen di Castro if incarnated children's dreams, noticed the good Wizard. 

The lodge is located at a height of eight meters above the fragrant Lavender field. 

Every year from 25 July to 10 August, guests have the opportunity to observe the process of harvesting Lavender. In fact,

 cottage Suite Bleue, designed by arhitektorskoj, Perche La Cabane is one of the rooms of the Hotel La Piantata, so breakfast is delivered

 to guests straight to the doorstep. 

Closeness to nature is not at the expense of comfort:

 features a cozy four-poster bed, bathroom with shower, mini bar with refrigerator and a terrace for outdoor recreation.