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인도의 잃어버린 고대도시와 사찰 Hampi 본문


인도의 잃어버린 고대도시와 사찰 Hampi

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 12. 3. 20:24

You probably have never heard of Hampi, but in its heyday, the capital of the Vijayanagar Empire was one of the largest and 

richest cities in the world. 

With a length of over 16 km, the dramatic appearance of the temples and buildings, alternating between a maze of towering cliffs 

and boulders, this city is one of the most intriguing UNESCO World Heritage sites in India.

Rocks and ruins look as if they were created by the gods, who wanted to create a magical, fairy-tale world, untouched sands of time.

1.The history of Hampi is divided between the myths and facts. 

Historically there were four dynasties that ruled Hampi, one of the largest Hindu empires in India. 

Strategically located on the river, controlling the number of mines with important minerals, Hampi was the treasure for which is beating. 

Today, it is more about protecting the remaining specimens of architecture.

Many stories about life in Hampi even in 1500 BC can be found in images on buildings.

One of the most popular fairy tales explains that two local chief, Hakka and Bukka, witnessed the dog chasing the hare until

 the earth has given the courage hare, so he began to hunt for the dog.

2.You can travel on foot or by bicycle, but most of Hampi tourists investigated by bike, which can be rented in town. 

Here in India, a warm climate, with paved roads, and stunning scenery. The most important temples in the city and Virupaksha Vittal. 

Stone Chariot, carved into the walls, is also a popular spot for photos. 

Other famous churches and monuments - this is the Hazara Rama Lotus Mahal, the octagonal room, and an underground temple of Shiva.

3.Hampi remains an important religious center.

According to statistics from 2014, Hampi is the most interesting historical and tourist spots in Karnataka.

In the opinion of the Indian historians, Vijayanagar Empire could once boast the most enormous army, which consisted of 

about two million people. 

Only the king's personal army consisted of 100,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, and more than 900 elephants. 

Around 1500 AD. e. in the capital of the empire Hampi lived about 500 000 people, making it the second largest city in the world 

after Beijing, and the area it is three times the area of ​​Paris.


4.India is a fascinating country, which is striking in its culture and traditions. 

One of the indisputable achievements of the world India is that it gave people Yoga - a set of different physical, mental and spiritual

 practices aimed at achieving human sublime spiritual and mental state. 

The portal yogi.org.ua You can enroll in a yoga studio Vladislav Ocheretko, where you can take a fresh look and 

understand your body and your health.













