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바람따라 구름따라

기발한 금연광고들 본문


기발한 금연광고들

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 12. 2. 21:27

1. Smoking Room with a ceiling, a print which creates the effect of a tomb, which is a smoker.

2. a smoker's Teeth.

3. smoking slows down the activity of spermatozoa.

4. Smoking causes premature aging.

5. What do we see, when someone smokes.

6. Dust to dust.

7. Hospital bed.

9. Download cancer.

10. Throat Cancer will deprive you of the possibility to talk.

11. Smoking lactating women.

12. bodies-balloons.

13. All in Italy killed in 10 times more people than road accidents.

14. And again about the problems with teeth.

15. Beauty smoking and its consequences.