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Reed flute cave( Chinese Guyline.Tam) 본문
We went to China. In a magical place that is in the Chinese Guyline.Tam Is located one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Cave Reed Flute. In the northwest, seven kilometers from the town center is a mountain Guanminshan, on the southern slope of
a rock perched "reed flute." This rock has a unique cave, called the Cave of the Reed Flutes (Reed flute cave).
Cave Reed Flute - probably one of China's most fabulous caves, in the truest sense of the word, because the soft neon light makes
already amazing underground microcosm like a very real fairy tale!
China - an amazing kind of country, the beauty of which can not be denied.
But few know that it is well not only on, but also underground.
One gets the feeling that, using up all the space on the surface, nature took up the underground space.
And what beautiful names are of these places! One of them is the Cave of the Reed Flutes, located in Guilin area.
Not only is this cave is located here, but, of course, it can be considered the most interesting and fabulous.
It was discovered more than 12 centuries ago, during the reign of the Tang Dynasty.
This era is generally considered to be a period of the highest power of the Chinese empire, when she was ahead of
all countries in terms of development of the world.
Its name it has received due to its history: for the dowry, the cave for the first time visited a farmer who was looking for
material for a musical instrument. He reached into his usual cane thicket and stumbled upon the entrance to the cave.
There's really a lot of growing this herb, so it is likely that the story is true.
Local residents used bamboo from this spot to create musical instruments - flute.
Once upon a time this place was the ocean.
Natural disasters forced to leave the ocean water, raising the surface of the incredibly-fi mountains with bizarre gorges,
caves, fissures and caves.
Once inside, unwittingly falls into a stupor at the sight of numerous stalactites, stalagmites and limestone formations fanciful shapes,
but that's not all - in addition to the unique natural attractions Cave Reed Flute also can "boast" more than 70 rock
inscriptions dated 792 AD Year and most likely belonged to the first Chinese who have got here.
The cave was rediscovered only in 1940 and since then has attracted a huge number of tourists.
Artificial neon lighting makes the cave-like scenery to some fantastic movie or children's tale.
Underground lake is almost constantly in a quiet, because of what creates a mirror effect and the fabulous world of completely
absorbs each visitor down here.
Legend has it that the cave was opened thanks to the peasant, who walked in these neighborhoods, and fell into a crevasse.
She turned out to be the entrance to the cave.
Figuratively cave called the Palace of nature, imagination dorisovyvaet pavilions, majestic palace chambers and
paradisiacal gardens with parks.
Is now obvious cave has a completely different look than in the days when it was first visited by man:
Now stalactites and stalagmites shimmer through various shades of bright illumination.
This karst cave has a depth of about 240 meters, and the first tourists visited her ... 1310 years ago.
The natural creativity, together with the efforts people have made the cave completely unrealistic.
Stalactites and stalagmites that grow everywhere and decorated with mysterious lighting, make the cave a beautiful royal castle.
Throughout a variety of colors: blue, yellow, red! All this seemed turned and poured into believing that you actually were in a fairy tale.
At first, a sense of unreality does not give you peace of mind, but you start to recover over time.
It is worth paying attention to the work of nature - strange shapes on the walls and stone statues weave fantasy might break out in earnest.
Where does this marvelous dungeon? It turns out that millions of years ago, this place was the ocean, but the will of nature,
he stepped back, and emerged on the surface of the fabulous mountains with caves underneath,
mystical caves and gorges like that go out from the pages of "A Thousand and one Nights."
Since its opening the cave overgrown with many legends and all of its branches, a cluster of stalactites and caves now wearing
their own name - a beautiful and meaningful. For example, a grotto, "the king of the Palace of the Dragon."
The limestone contains various other minerals agate and jasper.
A lasting impression is made by the sun's rays filtering through the foliage.
On one side of the cave hangs a huge white stone, resembling a waterfall. On the contrary it is a stone, similar to the old scientist.
According to legend, a scientist came to Guilin, to admire the scenery.
And he was so fascinated by the beauty of the cave bamboo flute, that he decided to write a poem in praise of her.
Time passed, but he could only write two lines: "Cave bamboo flute - is a masterpiece of nature.
I want to describe the beauty of it, but I can not find the words. "
He was unable to finish the poem, and turned to stone. In one of the caves of the cave can accommodate up to 1000 people.
He called the Crystal Palace of the Dragon king. One of the stone pillars - it's magic staff of the king of the Dragon, with his help,
he keeps calm in the sea.
In the famous novel "Journey to the West" Monkey King Sun Wukong asked King Dragon lend him this staff.
Dragon King refused his request, but Sun Wukong's staff took power, defeating the Dragon army of snails and jellyfish.
So he made a stir in the palace of the Dragon King.
The cave is huge bamboo flute, you can meet a lot of amazing stones, one recalls a mother with a child, other melons and vegetables.
One of the stones resembles a carp, diving into the water.
The most amazing place in the dungeon - the deepest lake. It is like a mirror that reflects the lights and the wall of the cave.
Long zasmotrevshis in the pond, it begins to seem that everything is spinning in a whirl, and strive to fall into the water.
Leaving the cave does not want to, because these beauties can be admired for a long time, but do not
- you suddenly suffer the fate of the very admiring of the poet?
The backlight turns the walls and cave vaults with bizarre stalactites, stalagmites and limestone formations in unusual pictures,
which the locals have given very lyrical names: "Fruit Mountain", "Jungle", "Zorya in the lion's grove", "virgin forest", "Dragon Pagoda ".
The largest grotto, which is called "the king of the Crystal Palace of the Dragon", can accommodate more than 1,000 people.
Therefore, during the Second World War it was used as a bomb shelter. In this cave there is a large white pillar, which the Chinese call
the magic staff of the king of the Dragon, according to ancient tradition with this staff, he maintains order in the world.
On the walls of the cave Reed Flute applied many different labels, among which Chinese poems, notes of travelers,
it is assumed that some of them made even during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907.).
Decorate the walls of caves fabulous inflorescence, and some of her landscapes seem distant cities of films about extraterrestrial civilizations.
Since the phenomenon of people that cave many years have passed, during which time she has acquired a huge number of legends,
and most of the caves located here, stalagmites and stalactites got shaped and poetic names.
One of the biggest caves is called "the king of the Dragon Palace", is the figure if a convert to the stone statue of the sage,
who wished to describe the beauty of poetry Caves. However, he is unable to perform, as he stood in awe and could not find the words.
Guilin - an ancient picturesque town, which is located in the southern part of China.
Sami kitaskie Guilin residents call "the most beautiful town in China" .
Guilin - have long proved popular tourist destination because of the beautiful nature.
The length of the distance is about five hundred meters, turns which meet exciting picture of unusual formations of
stalagmites and stalactites, stone pillars and piles of rock formations.
Unfortunately for many tourists to fix the local beauty is very difficult: pictures do not turn out even in spite of
the existing illumination without professional equipment.
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