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바람따라 구름따라

중국이 만든 가짜 유럽도시와 관광명소11 본문


중국이 만든 가짜 유럽도시와 관광명소11

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 8. 12. 16:03

1.Hallstatt in Guangdong

Hallstatt in China - a project copied the famous town architecture in Austria .

The counterfeit version of a UNESCO World Heritage Site with an artificial lake , and of course the houses ,

which are built the same , as well as in the alpine village .

2.Paris Tianduchenge .

City lights shine and recognizable buildings Paris on the Champs Elysees and the Eiffel Tower .

 Unfortunately , this luxury property - now the city - the specter of - its inconvenient location, surrounded by farmland .

3.Dutch Village in Pudong

Windmill near the river speaks for itself - you where - in the Netherlands .

A quiet town near the bustling city center of Shanghai - is another housing project in the framework of " 1 city - 9 cities " ,

an initiative of the Shanghai Planning Commission .

4.Swedish city in Lyuodine .

Even the Scandinavian countries , like Sweden, is part of the " 1 city - 9 cities " .

The buildings resemble Sigtuna ( Sweden ) and even here there is an almost exact replica of Lake Mälaren .

5.Thames - Town

Buildings Tudor , cobbled streets , red telephone booths , and even a bronze statue of Winston Churchill - all copied

in this small English town ( another town - a ghost ) in the vicinity of the center of Shanghai . It is also part of the project " 1 city - 9 cities " .

6.German town of Anting

Here is another wannabe European cities in Shanghai .

The German town of Anting , designed by Albert Speer , looks like a real, with its colorful three and five storey buildings ,

green spaces , canals and restaurants . Goethe and Schiller Bronze statues stand together in the middle of the paved area .

7.Breeze Citta Pujiang .

And another city - the specter of the project " 1 city - 9 cities " - the Italian town of Città Breeze in Shanghai Pujiang not think ,

 that is a copy of - the particular place in Italy, unlike other European towns .

8.Florence in Tianjin .

No city , and the shopping center , Tianjin Florence covers an area of 200,000 square meters and houses some copies of famous brands .

9.London Tower Bridge in Suzhou

This bridge in Jiangsu Province with a cafe at the top , and has twice as many towers , than the original .

10.Castle Maisons - Laffitte in Beijing

Hotel in Beijing , Zhang - Laffitte , fully replicates the famous castle in France , because in its construction were used the original drawings

 and 10,000 photographs of the building .

11.Pont Alexandre III in Tianjin ( Bridge Bian )

This copy of the Paris arch bridge , built in 1973 year .

The Chinese bridge has four statues , representing the wishes of peace and harmony : blue dragon , white tiger , lentils and black turtle .