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바람따라 구름따라

중국의 동굴에 사는 3천만명의 생활상 본문


중국의 동굴에 사는 3천만명의 생활상

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2016. 8. 2. 15:16

" Democracy can not survive overpopulation . Human dignity can not survive . Convenience and decency can not survive " .

- Isaac Asimov .

When we think of China , they often represent hopelessly crowded cities , such as Beijing and Hong Kong .

However, in some remote areas of the country , some people live , as the hobbits - in caves , dug directly into the hills .

 And it's not an uncommon phenomenon : more 30 million Chinese people live in caves , almost the same number of people ,

many living in developed countries , such as Canada .

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In China, home to more people , than in any other country in the world , but large areas of the state are actually sparsely populated .

 The vast majority of Chinese people living near large cities in the east , such as Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong .

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But outside of these urban areas, some Chinese people live in caves . Such people are called Yaodong ( Yaodong).

One of these corners of China , where   there are many such cave inhabitants is located in Shaanxi Province .

Here there are whole blocks of settlements , which are reminiscent of Hobbiton from the saga of Tolkien .

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According to rough estimates , about 30 million Chinese live in these homes .

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Of course , the main advantage of the residential caves is the cost .

Rental rates for housing in major cities in China can reach thousands of dollars per month .

Living in a cave the cost just 30 dollars a month . But this is not the only advantage of this , it would seem , a prehistoric lifestyle .

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Fans of cave life lead their arguments the positive aspects of life in the caves :

 caves have good thermal insulation , they cool in summer and warm in winter , they are surprisingly resistant to

 natural disasters , such , such as earthquakes .

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Of course ,   most of these mansions look pretty shabby and beggars : earthen walls and cloth , hanging above the entrance .

However, some of the caves can be quite well-maintained . So they can be rehabilitated  brick walls , electricity , carried water ,

and even dug up a couple of rooms . Many people sleep on beds of stone , called Kan .

Under these niches , which can be diluted with a fire for heating in winter .

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Some are so well-maintained living , they have satellite TV and internet .

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Not surprisingly , that the rural way of life does not appeal to Chinese youth , most of whom do not want to live in caves ,

 and want to live in a modern apartment .

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These cave dwellings form whole villages and towns .

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Thank God we do not need to live in caves like the Chinese .

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For example, for visitors and residents of Kiev in our time is quite affordable and convenient housing for rent for any period .

You simply go to the site http://arenda.kiev.ua/rent - month and choose a favorite option of many proposals .


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Cave settlement in China .

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The internal situation in the cave dwelling .

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The internal situation in the cave dwelling .