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바람따라 구름따라

중국의 사람얼굴을 닮은 돌연변이 돼지새끼 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

중국의 사람얼굴을 닮은 돌연변이 돼지새끼

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2018. 7. 8. 22:31

중국의 사람얼굴을 닮은 돌연변이 돼지새끼

In the southeast of China, in the province of Guangdong, a pig-mutant was born 

- with a growth-trunk on the forehead and a face that looked like a human.

An unusual pig plunged into the amazement of the villagers, reports  .

It is noted that the animal was born very weak, and on the third day the pig was killed. 

The farmer himself took birth and photographed the animal. 

According to veterinarians who studied the pictures, most likely the pig had Cyclops syndrome.

However, the mutant pigs with similar deviations are born from local farmers quite often, reports  .

A year ago , a mutant was born who had only one eye, unfortunately, the baby died a few hours after birth.

Two years ago, also in China a pig was born with a human face and genitals on the forehead. 

Judging by the shots published in the Network, the baby had serious breathing problems. 

Where exactly was shot a shocking video.

Three years ago a similar piglet, who also had a "human face", was born to farmer Tao Lu from Nanning City. 

The mutant was one of 19 piglets, born at the same time as a pig in a farmer's farm.

 As soon as the pictures of the baby flew across the Web, Tao Lu began to receive messages asking to sell

 the "monster". 

Several dozen people came to visit the Chinese specially to look at the pig. Unfortunately, soon the baby died,

 as the mother refused to feed him, and the pig could not be accustomed to the bottle. 

According to Tao Lu, he could sell the animal more than his whole pork herd, but did not have time to do it.