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바람따라 구름따라

심폐 소생술( CPR)하는 경찰견 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

심폐 소생술( CPR)하는 경찰견

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2018. 7. 4. 18:04

심폐 소생술( CPR)하는 경찰견

Poncho, a Spanish police dog with the Madrid Police Department has gone viral after a recent CPR demonstration 

on his handler. Poncho can be seen giving spirited chest compressions and even listens for signs of breathing.

Before people point out that the compressions are too light and wouldn’t do anything, note that the demonstration is 

used as a fun and engaging way to teach children about first aid. 

Performing actual CPR is very forceful and should never be done at full strength for just a demonstration.