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바람따라 구름따라

세계 최초로 얼굴 이식수술하고 살아가는 남자 이야기 본문

세상만사(국내외 토픽)

세계 최초로 얼굴 이식수술하고 살아가는 남자 이야기

꿈꾸는 구름 나그네 2018. 6. 27. 14:24

세계 최초로 얼굴 이식수술하고 살아가는 남자 이야기

This is the story of Richard Lee Norris. 

Now this is a staid man, who is a little over forty, and few can imagine that he was an outcast for 10 years of his life, 

appearing on a trench street late at night to shop at the grocery at the house. 

In 1997, he suffered serious injuries that simply destroyed his life, only in 2012 Richard received a second chance 

- a face transplant from the donor was performed. 

And so, Norris came out, appeared on the cover of the famous edition of GQ. 

The cause of severe damage to the face was Richard himself, or rather his suicide attempt, which ended in failure.

In 1997, he fired a shotgun into his face and survived, but his teeth, jaw and nose suffered greatly. 

The face was restored from scratch. 

The donated organ transplant operation, which lasted 36 hours, gave Richard a second chance at life, which he used. 

This was the first such operation, which became a real experiment for plastic surgeons. 

The team of specialists was headed by Dr. Eduard Rodriguez, who for many years was engaged in the rehabilitation of

 the military with serious injuries to the face. 

Norris's case clearly attracted attention, he was offered to take part in a study that, if successful, would be his salvation. 

Operation, which survived Richard, is rightly called the most extensive in the history of plastic surgery. 

He was transplanted with teeth, and also with both jaws, restored the tongue and soft tissues from the crown to the base of

 the neck. 

The tragedy occurred when Richard was a 22-year-old boy. 

On that day he drank a lot and on his return home quarreled with his mother. 

In the heat of quarrel, he said that he would shoot himself, and locked himself in a room with a shotgun. 

The shot happened accidentally. Years "after" were a severe test, Richard was afraid to go out into the street, afraid of oblique 

glances at his disfigured face. 

The offer to participate in the experiment inspired him with strength and hope. 

In addition, his participation helped to further develop the direction: wounded soldiers will also have the opportunity to recover. 

Richard says this about his new face:

"For all these years, my friends and classmates have created families and well advanced on the career ladder. 

Now I have a chance to start life anew ...